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Scleroderma, Limited

Scleroderma, Limited Causes

Excessive collagen is most likely the main cause of limited scleroderma. But researchers also suspect other factors such as genetic makeup, pregnancy, hormones, and environmental factors.

Scleroderma, Limited Definition

Limited scleroderma is a condition that affects the body's connective tissue specifically only on the skin of the lower arms and legs, neck and face. It is also called CREST syndrome.

Scleroderma, Limited Diagnosis

The doctor takes the patient's complete medical history and performs a physical exam to look for changes in the texture, color, and appearance of the skin. Skin samples may be take for microscopic examination in a laboratory but may not be conclusive. Patients may also undergo laboratory tests to look for antibodies often found in the blood. The doctor may also recommend additional tests to identify any lung, heart, or gastrointestinal complications to identify limited scleroderma.

Scleroderma, Limited Symptoms and Signs

Limited scleroderma has a distinct set of characteristics that include calcinosis, raynaud's phenomenon, esophageal dysfunction, sclerodactyly, and telangiectasia.

Scleroderma, Limited Treatment

Limited scleroderma cannot be cured. But treatment through medical and nonmedical therapies has effectively managed the condition's signs and symptoms. Other treatments include calcinosis, vasodilator, and topical nitroglycerin.