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Scoliosis Causes

Leg length Muscle contractions Appendicitis Neuromuscular diseases Marfan's syndrome Poliomyelitis Cerebral palsy Birth abnormalities Hemivertebra Neurofibromatosis Muscular dystrophy Injury in the spine Tumors in the spinal cord Certain metabolic diseases, rheumatic diseases, connective tissue disorders, pelvis conditions, hip conditions and vertebral conditions

Scoliosis Definition

This is a medical condition wherein the person's spine is curved sideways and may also be rotated. When the spine is seen in x-rays, it may look more like a letter ?S' or a ?C'. It is categorized as congenital, idiopathic or developed due to a secondary symptom of another condition like celebral palsy.

Scoliosis Diagnosis

X-rays Referral to an orthopedic surgeon Routine diagnostic work up (CBC, urinalysis, sedimentation rate, chemistry panel, spinal survey) Bone survey Bone Scan CT Scans MRI

Scoliosis Symptoms and Signs

Spinal curving Spine is curved sideways Body posture is sideways One shoulder is raised higher than the other Clothes are not hanging properly Local ligament pain and muscular aches

Scoliosis Treatment

? Watchful waiting for monitoring the condition ? Treatment of any fundamental cause of scoliosis ? Bracing Spinal brace Spinal cast Milwaukee brace Thoracolumbosacral orthosis (TLSO) ? Surgery