Semantic Pragmatic Disorder
Semantic Pragmatic Disorder Causes
This disorder is believed to be an effect of other disorders such as neuropathies, auditory processing disorders, genetic defects and encephalitis.
Semantic Pragmatic Disorder Definition
Semantic-pragmatic disorder is a developmental language speech disorder in which children have difficulties in using language in appropriate instances, as well as with the semantic use of language. This disorder is believed to be linked with Asperger's syndrome and autism.
Semantic Pragmatic Disorder Diagnosis
The semantic-pragmatic disorder can be diagnosed by observation of the child's speech development during his growing up years.
Semantic Pragmatic Disorder Symptoms and Signs
The signs and symptoms of this disorder are difficulties in understanding language syntax and questions, slow coordination with conversations, having trouble explaining events and expressing ideas, as well as problems understanding jokes and context clues.
Semantic Pragmatic Disorder Treatment
Treatment of the disorder is by special education that focuses on speech development and understanding.