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Situs Inversus, X-linked

Situs Inversus, X-linked Causes

Situs inversus is an autosomal recessive genetic condition, which is X-linked meaning only males can be affected.

Situs Inversus, X-linked Definition

Situs Inversus, X-linked is a congenital condition wherein major visceral organs of the chest and abdomen are located in the wrong position. It occurs only in males because it is an X-linked disorder. For example, instead of being positioned on the left; the heart is located on the right side of the chest. In general, situs inversus, X-linked causes no problem but may tend to be relevant during medical examination or surgery because the internal organs are located in the wrong side of the body.

Situs Inversus, X-linked Diagnosis

Persons with situs inversus, X-linked are unaware of their condition until they seek out medical attention for a condition that is not connected with the existing condition.

Situs Inversus, X-linked Symptoms and Signs

The relevant symptom of situs inversus, X-linked is the mirror-position of the major internal organs of the thorax and abdomen. The heart is located on the right side of the chest, the stomach and spleen on the right side of the abdomen instead of the left side; liver and gall bladder is on the left. The right lung is bilobed and the left lung trilobed. Other structures like blood vessels, lymphatic, nerves and intestines are also in the reverse position. People with situs inversus, X-linked will usually experience symptoms of disorders on the wrong side. For example, left lower abdominal pain will be felt for appendicitis cases because the appendix is located on that site.

Situs Inversus, X-linked Treatment

Individuals with situs inversus, X-linked are usually unimpaired; they can continue normal living despite of the reverse position of the visceral organs. In cases where congenital heart defects are present, appropriate treatment for the specific underlying heart defect is carried out as required.