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Skin Tags

Skin Tags Causes

Skin tags are usually caused by immense irritation of the skin to certain materials such as jewelry. Shaving can also cause the growths.

Skin Tags Definition

Skin tags, also known as acorchordons, are small benign growths that arise on the creased areas of the skin, such as the face, neck and armpits. These can be removed by surgery.

Skin Tags Diagnosis

Skin tags are diagnosed based on their presence on the skin of an affected person.

Skin Tags Symptoms and Signs

The main characteristic of skin tags are the small growths that appear on the skin. They usually are the size of a rice grain. These tags do not cause any malignancy in the internal organs of the body, but they do have nerves present inside, so surgery must be done with anesthesia.

Skin Tags Treatment

Skin tags can be removed by surgery, ligation and cauterization.

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