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Slapped Cheek Disease

Slapped Cheek Disease Causes

The illness usually spreads from person to person through respiratory secretions and hand-to-hand contact. If the rash is still absent, the condition is contagious. Its appearancd signals otherwise.

Slapped Cheek Disease Definition

Slapped cheek disease is a condition that results in face rashes that look like slapped marks. milar rashes.

Slapped Cheek Disease Diagnosis

Doctors easily diagnose the patient through the presence of rashes. Pregnant women or patients with weak immune systems undergo blood tests to determine their immunity to the infection or whether they were recently infected.

Slapped Cheek Disease Symptoms and Signs

Some children have mild, cold-like signs and symptoms that may include sore throat, slight fever, upset stomach, headache, fatigue, and itching. The rashes usually appear on both cheeks and spread to the arms, trunk, thighs and buttocks. Adult suffering from the condition may feel soreness in a joint that last for days or weeks. The illness usually affect the joint of the hands, wrists, knees and ankles. Children and adult patients may not experience any signs or symptoms.

Slapped Cheek Disease Treatment

The illness is typically treated with self-care measures but there is no treatment for the rash. Affected individuals with severe anemia need hospitalization and blood transfusions. Those with weak immune systems may need to receive antibodies to treat the infection. Pregnant women may be monitored because the babies may possibly be affected. They may underog blood transfusions and medications if their babies have anemia, congestive heart failure, or edema.