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Sleep Paralysis

Sleep Paralysis Causes

The condition happens during REM sleep so it prevents the body from making movements. It is also suggested that it can be related to post-synaptic inhibition of motor neurons in the region pons located in the brain. Low-levels of melatonin is also seen as a cause. Other factors that may increase paralysis and hallucinations are abnormal sleeping patterns, sleeping in a face upwards position, high stress level, sudden lifestyle change and a clear dream that instantly precedes the episode.

Sleep Paralysis Definition

It is a condition distinguished by momentary paralysis of the body shortly after waking up. The condition is related to the paralysis that happens as a natural part of REM (rapid eye movement) sleep also referred to as REM atonia. The condition happens when the brain awakes from a state of REM though the bodily paralysis persist which leaves the person consciously awake but is unable to move.

Sleep Paralysis Diagnosis

Polysomnography test is performed at a sleep centre and monitors the sleeping habits of the patient.

Sleep Paralysis Symptoms and Signs

The condition can be a combination of paralysis and hallucinations. The symptoms can happen for a matter of seconds to several minutes.

Sleep Paralysis Treatment

One effective treatment is the clonazepam wherein the initial dose is 0.5 mg at bedtime. Ritalin is used for daytime medication for structured patterns of sleep and prevents paralysis during sleep in some adults. When taking in Ritalin it is advised to monitor blood pressure.