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Spinal Cord Neoplasm

Spinal Cord Neoplasm Causes

Although scientists are studying more about the genetic and environmental factors that are involved in the development of spinal cord neoplasm, the exact cause of this tumor is still not yet defined. It has been proven that a significant amount of abnormal genes are contained in spinal cord neoplasm, researchers are not yet fully aware what really caused the genetic variations. There are cases, wherein spinal cord neoplasm runs in the family.

Spinal Cord Neoplasm Definition

Spinal cord neoplasm is a growth or tumor located in the spinal cord which can be either benign or malignant. Spinal cord neoplasms often originate in other parts of the body and metastasize (spread or travel) to the spinal cord.

Spinal Cord Neoplasm Diagnosis

MRI and bone scanning are essential tools in confirming diagnosis of spinal cord neoplasm.

Spinal Cord Neoplasm Symptoms and Signs

Symptoms vary depending on which part of the spine is affected; however they often produce certain symptoms in affected areas, in the same way that there are also general symptoms that are commonly experience with any type of neoplasm (tumors). Abnormal nerve sensations like pins and needles, tingling sensation, burning, or itchy sensation (Paresthesia) Pain Numbness Weakness or fatigue Change to movement or motor abilities Incontinence and decreased sensitivity in the buttocks area are regarded as flag signs of a neoplasm compressing the spinal cord.

Spinal Cord Neoplasm Treatment

Steroids are often used to minimize inflammatory reaction. Surgery is sometimes beneficial in some cases while radiotherapy plays a great part in shrinking the size of the tumor and helps in slowing down the spread of the cancer.