Stari Causes
The cause of STARI is the bacteria from lone star tick bite.
Stari Definition
STARI is an acronym for "Southern tick-associated rash illness", and is a bacterial infection which is spread by tick bites.
Stari Diagnosis
There is currently no specific diagnostic test for STARI. However, DNA tests of skin or blood specimens, or blood testing may help diagnose this condition. Also, the comparison of the known symptoms and the symptoms felt by the patient may aid to determine STARI.
Stari Symptoms and Signs
STARI is manifested by a tick bite rash which is characterized by a red, expanding rash with central clearing.
Stari Treatment
Presently, there are no specific recommendation for the treatment of STARI. However, the rash and other accompanying symptoms is believed to be treatable by doxycycline therapy.