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Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Causes

The exact causes for SIDS are still unknown; risk factors include exposure to cigarette smoke, use of illegal drugs during pregnancy, poor prenatal care and mothers who didn't practice breast-feeding. Insufficient oxygen is also suspected to be a cause of SIDS.

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Definition

Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), is the unexplained death in infants ages 1 to 12 months old. This phenomenon is common among infants with low birth weight. SIDS is the third main cause of death among infants in the United States.

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Diagnosis

There is still no diagnostic test which could be done on victims of SIDS.

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Symptoms and Signs

There are no specified symptoms yet for SIDS

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Treatment

The best method of treating SIDS is by prevention. Pregnant women should adequate prenatal care and avoid exposure to harmful substances. Breastfeeding is also a must.