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Sweaty Sock Syndrome

Sweaty Sock Syndrome Causes

The cause of the sweaty sock syndrome is still unknown. Some theories suggest that alternating wet and dry conditions causes the condition. It is also linked to eczema or atopic dermatitis.

Sweaty Sock Syndrome Definition

Sweaty sock syndrome or medically termed as juvenile plantar dermatosis is a condition of the skin. In this condition, the skin on the soles becomes scaly and red which usually affects children and young teenagers.

Sweaty Sock Syndrome Diagnosis

Diagnosis for sweaty sock syndrome will include testing for any fungal infection or athlete's foot done by taking a small surface of the affected skin examnined under a microscope.

Sweaty Sock Syndrome Symptoms and Signs

Sweaty sock syndrome usually manifests on the big toe, ball of the foot, heel, or rarely on the creases in between the toes. It appears shiny, and red patches on the sole of the feet with occational painful cracks or fissures.

Sweaty Sock Syndrome Treatment

Treatments for sweaty sock syndrome will include prescription of topical corticosteroid or cortisone cream, and administering antihistamine pills to treat severe itching.