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Testicle, Undescended

Testicle, Undescended Causes

The exact cause of the condition is unknown but anything affecting the descending process may cause it. Hormonal abnormalities during gestation or an abnormally developed testis may possibly cause the condition. If one or both testicles are completely absent, the blood supply to the gonads may have been twisted during gestation.

Testicle, Undescended Definition

Undescended testicle, also referred to as cryptorchidism, is a condition in which the testes did not completely descend into the scrotum.

Testicle, Undescended Diagnosis

The condition is usually diagnosed in the examination of a newborn during which the doctor examines the baby's groin area. If the testicle is not in its normal location in the scrotum, the doctor diagnoses the condition. Imaging tests such as ultrasound and x-rays are used to locate the testes and confirm the diagnosis.

Testicle, Undescended Symptoms and Signs

The testicle has not completely descended into the scrotum, which may still be inside the abdominal cavity or partway down the inguinal canal or may have never formed.

Testicle, Undescended Treatment

The condition usually self-corrects. If not, surgery may be an option to move the testes in its proper position in the scrotum. Another option is hormonal therapy in which the descent of the testes is induced.