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Thrombophlebitis Causes

Prolonged inactivity usually causes the condition. Sitting for long periods or bed rest after surgery may decrease blood flow through the veins and may cause a clot. Paralysis, some types of cancer, and use of the estrogen hormone may also lead to thrombophlebitis. An individual is at risk of developing the condition if he or she has an inherited tendency for blood clots.

Thrombophlebitis Definition

Thrombophlebitis or phlebitis is a condition in which a vein is inflamed due to a blood clot.

Thrombophlebitis Diagnosis

The doctor examines the affected veins and asks the patient about his or her discomfort. The doctor employs certain methods to determine whether the patient has superficial or deep vein thrombosis. Such methods may include ultrasound, CT or MRI scans, or blood test.

Thrombophlebitis Symptoms and Signs

Many individuals with the condition do not have symptoms. However, others may experience warmth, tenderness, and pain in the affected area as well as redness and swelling. A red, hard, and tender cord appears under the skin's surface when a superficial vein is affected. If a deep vein in the leg is affected, the leg may become swollen, tender and painful, especially when the person stands or walks. An affected individual may have a fever.

Thrombophlebitis Treatment

The doctor recommends self-care measures if the condition only occurs in a superficial vein. Self-care measures include elevating the affected leg, applying hot compress to the painful area, and using a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug. The doctor may also recommend other treatments including injection of a blood-thinning medication for deep vein thrombosis, usage of support stockings, filter that prevents clots from breaking loose in leg veins to lodge in the lungs, varicose vein stripping, and clot removal or bypass.