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Thymoma Causes

Thymoma starts from the epithelial cell population in the thymus. Many subtypes are identified, some of which have a better- or worse-than-general prognosis

Thymoma Definition

In medicine (oncology), thymoma is a tumor progressing from the thymus. It is made up of any type of thymic epithelial cell as well as lymphocytes that are typically abundant and probably not neoplastic.

Thymoma Diagnosis

If the suspicion is high, some blood tests are often done to look for associated problems or possible spread. These include: full blood count, electrolytes, protein electrophoresis, antibodies to the acetylcholine receptor (indicative of myasthenia), liver enzymes and renal function

Thymoma Symptoms and Signs

A third of all people with a thymoma have symptoms because of compression of the surrounding organs by an expansive mass. This may take the form of superior vena cava syndrome (compression of the upper caval vein), dysphagia (or a difficulty swallowing), cough or chest pain.

Thymoma Treatment

Surgery is the primary of treatment for thymoma. If the tumor is malignant and very large, chemotherapy may be needed to shrink the tumor before surgery is attempted. If the tumor was harmless and was removed completely, no further therapy is necessary.