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Tic Douleureux

Tic Douleureux Causes

This condition is caused by preexisting central nerve disorders as well as diabetes.

Tic Douleureux Definition

Tic Douleureux is another name for short-lived trigeminal neuralgia. This condition still affects the trigeminal nerve, but rather than feeling painful sensations for long periods of time, the pain only lasts for a few minutes.

Tic Douleureux Diagnosis

Aside from the symptoms, CT scans are also used to determine the effects of neuralgia in the brain.

Tic Douleureux Symptoms and Signs

The common symptoms of Tic Douleureux are extreme pain on the face including the eyes, mouth, nose, brain and jaws up to the brain.

Tic Douleureux Treatment

Tic Douleureux can effectively be treated by taking analgesics.