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Tic Douloureux

Tic Douloureux Causes

The condition may result due to aging. It may also be associated with multiple sclerosis or any similar disorder that causes damage to the myelin sheath that protects certain nerves. In rare cases, the condition may also be caused by a tumor that compresses the trigeminal nerve. Sometimes, the cause could not be found.

Tic Douloureux Definition

Tic douloureux or trigeminal neuralgia is a condition in which the trigeminal nerve function is disrupted. Sensation from the face to the brain is carried by the trigeminal nerve.

Tic Douloureux Diagnosis

The doctor reviews the patient's medical history and evaluates the symptoms. The doctor may also perform a neurological examination to examine and determine the location of the pain occurrence. It the condition is suspected, the patient may undergo magnetic resonance imaging scan of the head to determine if multiple sclerosis is the cause of the condition. The doctor may also recommend more tests to rule out other conditions.

Tic Douloureux Symptoms and Signs

Affected individuals may have occasional twinges of mild pain, episodes of severe, shooting or jabbing pain, spontaneous pain attacks or attacks that are triggered by touching the face, chewing, speaking, and brushing teeth, pain that affects one side of the face at a time, and pain focused in one spot or spread in a wider pattern.

Tic Douloureux Treatment

Most cases of are effectively treated with medications. However, in other cases, the affected individuals no longer the medications or had unpleasant side effects, which require injections or surgery.