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Toothache Causes

Usually caused by problems in the jaw or tooth like cavities, gum disease, wisdom teeth emerges, cracked tooth, dental pulp is infected, disease in the jaw or tooth root is exposed.

Toothache Definition

Medically, referred to as odontalgia that is experiencing pain in or around a tooth.

Toothache Diagnosis

A simple toothache can be easily diagnosed by an individual by looking at the symptoms. If you are not sure which tooth is affected a visit to the dentist will help determine the tooth. The dentist will basically examine the gums and teeth for swelling, tooth damage and redness. A x-ray maybe necessary to check for tooth decay, cracks or jaw bone problems.

Toothache Symptoms and Signs

Pain when chewing Sensitive to hot or cold drinks or drinks Tooth or gums are bleeding Swelling is evident around the tooth Jaw is swelling Throbbing pain that may come in go in the head, jaw or ear

Toothache Treatment

Simple health care tips are very helpful in treating a toothache such as rinsing mouth with warm water, using dental floss to remove particles of food, over the counter pain reliever and over the counter antiseptic which mainly contains benzocaine which primarily relieves pain. A visit to the dentist is necessary when the pain persists for more than two days, fever and headache are experienced and trouble in breathing or swallowing.

Drugs used for treatment of Toothache
