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Touraine-Solente-Gole Syndrome

Touraine-Solente-Gole Syndrome Definition

Touraine-Solente-Gol? syndrome is marked by cutis verticis gyrata (corrugated overgrowth of the scalp, or so-called "bull-dog scalp" lesions) also involving the forehead, face, and extremities; clubbing of the digits due to soft tissue hyperplasia; elephantiasis of long bones, enormously large hands and feet; periosteal lesions, fatigability, blepharitis, arthralgia, periosteal overgrowth, and occasionally pulmonary osteoarthropathy. This syndrome occurs almost exclusively in males, though it is more severe in females. It occurs at the time of puberty, up to third decade, with the general health and mental status not affected. It is inherited dominantly with variability of expression. This condition is distinguished from the Brugsch syndrome by the presence of acromegaly.