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Toxic Hepatitis

Toxic Hepatitis Causes

The condition is caused by constant exposure of the liver to toxic substances such as dry cleaning solvents and the amanita mushroom. Nonprescription pain-relievers as well as prescription drugs can also cause the condition. Some herbs that interact with prescription drugs may lead to more serious side effects.

Toxic Hepatitis Definition

Toxic hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver, which occurs when toxic chemicals, drugs, or certain poisonous mushrooms has damaged the liver.

Toxic Hepatitis Diagnosis

The doctor conducts a physical examination and takes the patient's complete medical history. Although toxic hepatitis do not have tests to determine its existence, the doctor recommends blood tests that check for high levels of certain liver enzymes. The doctor may also perform a liver biopsy to confirm the diagnosis.

Toxic Hepatitis Symptoms and Signs

A mild condition does not usually have noticeable problems. However, when signs and symptoms of toxic hepatitis occur, they are similar to those caused by other types of hepatitis such as jaundice, fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, weight loss, and dark or tea-colored urine.

Toxic Hepatitis Treatment

Most toxic hepatitis have no specific treatment except for acute acetaminophen overdose, which is effectively treated with the chemical acetylcysteine given within 24 hours of the overdose. Most drug-induced toxic hepatitis can only be treated by stopping the medication. Other treatments may include supportive therapy and liver transplant.