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Trachoma Causes

The disease is caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis and is spread by direct contact with eye, nosem and throat secretions from affected individuals. Contact with fomites (inanimate objects) such as towels and/or washcloths that have had similar contact with secretions can also spread the disease.

Trachoma Definition

The leading cause of blindness around the world, Trachoma is an infectious eye disease that resulted to about 8 million, visually-impaired people around the world. According to studies, the disease results to an estimated US $ 2.9 billion in lost productivity every year.

Trachoma Diagnosis

Clinical signs of trachoma can be done with eye examinations, which involve careful inspection of the lashes, cornea, and limbus. Eversion of the upper lid and inspection of the tarsal conjunctiva may also be performed. Doing said examinations would require binocular magnifying loupes and if available, a slit lamp can be used.

Trachoma Symptoms and Signs

The incubation of the bacteria causing the disease takes 5 t0 12 days. After the incubation the affected individual will experience symptoms of conjunctivitis, or irritation similar to the of ?pink eye.? Multiple episodes of reinfection also results from blinding endemic trachoma. Further symptoms include eye discharge, swollen eyelids, trichiasis (turned-in eyelashes), swelling of lymph nodes in front of the ears, corneal scarring, and further ear, nose and throat complications.

Trachoma Treatment

Long term complications can be prevented with the use of antibiotics if used during the early stage of the infection. Among said antibiotics include erythromycin and doxycycline. Eyelid surgery is sometimes required in certain cases to prevent long term scarring. Without surgery, the scarring may lead to blindness.