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Trench Mouth

Trench Mouth Causes

Harmful bacteria grow out of control which causes infection in the gums. It is believed that enzymes being produced by the bacteria play a role in developing the trench mouth illness.

Trench Mouth Definition

Trench mouth is severe type of gingivitis that usually causes painful, bleeding, infected gums and ulcerations. Usually develops in nations that have poor nutrition and poor living conditions.

Trench Mouth Diagnosis

It is easily diagnosed by the dentist simply by examining the gums and teeth. Dental x-rays and facial x-rays may be needed to determine the depth of infection and tissue damage. Blood tests are done if it is suspected that infection have spread to the other parts of the body.

Trench Mouth Symptoms and Signs

Gums are painful Gums are bleeding with the mildest pressure Gums are swollen and red Pain when swallowing or eating Gum has gray-film Ulcers among the teeth and gums Foul taste in the mouth Bad breath Fever Lymph nodes are swollen around the head, jaw, or neck

Trench Mouth Treatment

Medicaitons: prescribed antibiotics, over the counter pain relievers Proper cleaning of the teeth and gums: removal of dead gum tissue by the dentist, mouth rinsed with antiseptic solution, scaling and root planning, rinsing mouth with hydrogen peroxide mouthwash or salt-water solution after cleaning Surgery: for extensive damage of the gum