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Trench Mouth

Trench Mouth Causes

The condition results from the growth of harmful bacteria resulting in a gum infection, which destroys and damages the delicate gum tissue surrounding and supporting the teeth.

Trench Mouth Definition

Trench mouth is a severe form of gingivitis that results to painful, infected, bleeding gums, and ulcerations. It is also referred to as Vincent's stomatitis and acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis.

Trench Mouth Diagnosis

The dentist usually detects the disease by examining the patient's teeth and gums. Dental X-rays or facial X-rays may be needed to determine the extent of the infection and tissue damage. Blood tests are also performed if the infection is suspected to have spread to other areas of the body.

Trench Mouth Symptoms and Signs

Signs and symptoms of the condition develop rapidly, some of which include painful gums, bleeding from gums with the slightest pressure, red or swollen gums, pain when eating or swallowing, a gray film on the gums, crater-like sores between the teeth and on the gums, a foul taste in the mouth, bad breath, fever, and swollen lymph nodes around the head, neck, or jaw.

Trench Mouth Treatment

The condition is successfully treated in a couple of weeks through medications and teeth and gum cleaning. However, affected individuals with weak immune system take longer to heal. Surgery may also be an option if the damage is extensive.