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Triple X Syndrome

Triple X Syndrome Causes

The disorder is not genetic but usually occurs as a quite random event during the formation of ovum and sperm. Called nondisjunction, this error during cell division can result in reproductive cells with additional chromosomes.

Triple X Syndrome Definition

A form of chromosomal variation, Triple X syndrome is characterized by the presence of X chromosome in each cell of a human female. The condition also known as triplo-X, trisomy X, XXX syndrome, and 47, XXX aneuploidy, it results during a division of a parent's reproductive cells, which occurs once in every 1,000 births.

Triple X Syndrome Diagnosis

Physicians may make a diagnosis of XXX syndrome by a chromosome analysis of blood sample. Genetic testing during the prenatal stage may also lead to the discovery of the disorder.

Triple X Syndrome Symptoms and Signs

Females with this disorder do not exhibit any symptoms and can only be distinguished from normal XX females through karyotyping. However, women with Triple X syndrome are usually taller than average and their weight may be low in comparison to their height. Menstrual irregularities may be experienced and also have an increased risk of learning disabilities, delayed speech, and language skills.

Triple X Syndrome Treatment

There is no cure for the disorder. Therefore, treatments are directed at managing the signs and symptoms.