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Trypanosomiasis-East African

Trypanosomiasis-East African Causes

The protozoa of genus Trypanosoma that is transmitted through a bite of the fly called tsetse can cause the disease. Said fly is only found in Africa.

Trypanosomiasis-East African Definition

A parasitic disease in people and animals, Trypanosomiasis or also known as Sleeping sickness is endemic in certain regions of Sub-Saharan Africa. The region covers 36 countries and 60 million people. Presently, it is estimated that about 50,000 to 70,000 people are infected with the disease.

Trypanosomiasis-East African Diagnosis

Diagnosis of the disease rests upon demonstrating trypanosomes by microscopic examination of chancre fluid, lymph node aspirates, blood, bone marrow, or, in the late stages of infection, cerebrospinal fluid. Having a wet preparation for examination of the motile trypanosomes should be done. In addition, a smear should be fixed, stained with Giemsa or Field, then examined. Also, concentration technique can also be used before a microscopic examination.

Trypanosomiasis-East African Symptoms and Signs

The common symptoms of the disease are red sore at the fly bite site, chancre, insomnia, daytime sleepiness, and fever.

Trypanosomiasis-East African Treatment

There is a standard treatment for the first stage of the disease, first is intravenous pentamidine and second is intravenous suramin. Just this year, the drug Eflornithine was found safe and can be used to treat first-line sleeping sickness. For the second stage, using melarsoprol at 2.2 mg/kg daily for 10 days is utilized.