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Trypanosomiasis-West African

Trypanosomiasis-West African Causes

The disease is caused by a parasite called Trypanosoma brucei gambiense and is also transmitted through bites.

Trypanosomiasis-West African Definition

Another type of African trypanosomiasis, the West African type is also called Gambian sleeping sickness. About 20,000 new cases are reported of both East and West African trypanosomiasis are reported annually and a few cases of the West type have been reported in the United States.

Trypanosomiasis-West African Diagnosis

Physical examinations such as assessment of the skin, mucous membranes, liver , spleen, and lymph nodes are among the primary steps in diagnosing the disease. Diagnostic tests may include home sleep tests as well as sleep apnea tests. It is also important to take note of the duration of the signs and symptoms before the patient asked for medical attention as well information on possible recent trips or campings. Questions like drug abuse and exposure to STDs may also be asked.

Trypanosomiasis-West African Symptoms and Signs

Just like East African trypanosomiasis, the West type symptoms include a red sore at the site of the bite, chancre, insomnia, fever, and daytime sleepiness.

Trypanosomiasis-West African Treatment

If no CNS symptoms persist, West African trypanososmiasis can ve treated with Pentamidine. Other medications include Suramin, Eflornithine and for those manifesting CNS symptoms, the use of Melarsoprol is recommended. As soon as an infected person's laboratory result is available, treatment must immediately follow and periodic follow-up exams such as a spinal tap may be performed.