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Tularemia (deliberate release)

Tularemia (deliberate release) Causes

The cause of Tularemia (deliberate disease) infections is an intracellular bacterium known as Francisella tularensis (or F. tularensis). This infectious organism is a small gram-negative non-motile form of coccobacillus. There are several subspecies of this bacterium, each with varying virulence. The most common carriers are ticks and deer flies, and in some cases, other arthropods.

Tularemia (deliberate release) Definition

Tularemia (deliberate release) is a serious infection caused by Francisella tularensis (F. tularensis) bacterium, a tiny gram-negative non-motile coccobacillus. Deer-fly fever, Francis disease, rabbit fever, and Ohara fever are other names for Tularemia (deliberate release).

Tularemia (deliberate release) Diagnosis

If Tularemia is suspected, a microbiologist is often consulted. A special media for cultivation is required to test F. tularensis, as the organism cannot be isolated in routine culture media. Sulphydril group donors (such as cystein) are necessary to determine an infection.

Tularemia (deliberate release) Symptoms and Signs

In humans, tularemia presents with lethargy, anorexia, septicemia, and moderate to high fever. Skin lesions are another characteristic clinical sign of tularemia. The face and eyes of infected patients may redden or become visibly enflamed. This inflammation can potentially spread to the lymph nodes, which enlarge and may even suppurate. In rare cases, the infection may lead to death of the affected patient.

Tularemia (deliberate release) Treatment

Tularemia (deliberate release) may be treated pharmacologically. The most frequently recommended medication is Streptomycin. Other drugs used in treating this infection include: gentamicin, tetracycline-class drugs, fluoroquinolones, or chloramphenicol. An experimental live vaccine has been made available recently, but it is only used in high risk groups. Also, it is not recommended for treating the infection post-exposure.