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Ulcer, Stomach

Ulcer, Stomach Causes

Most ulcers are usually caused by the corkscrew-shaped bacterium Helicobacter pylori. Other factors may also include regular use of pain relievers, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and stress.

Ulcer, Stomach Definition

Stomach ulcer or gastric ulcer is a type of peptic ulcer that occurs in the stomach.

Ulcer, Stomach Diagnosis

The patient undergoes diagnostic tests to confirm the doctor's diagnosis. Such tests may include upper gastrointestinal X-ray, endoscopy, and biopsy. Other tests may also be required to determine whether the condition is caused by H. pylori infection. Additional tests may include blood test, breath test, and stool antigen test.

Ulcer, Stomach Symptoms and Signs

Affected individuals usually experience pain. When the condition is severe, the person may vomit red or black blood, have dark blood in stools or black or tarry stools, nausea or vomiting, unexplained weight loss, and chest pain.

Ulcer, Stomach Treatment

The condition is treated by killing the bacteria and reducing the level of acid in the digestive system to relieve pain and encourage healing by using at least two medications such as antibiotic medications, acid blockers, antacids, proton pump inhibitors, and cytoprotective agents. If the bacteria are not present, the condition may be caused by NSAIDs, which should be stopped; or acid reflux, which can cause esophageal ulcers. Both cases call for reduced acid levels in the body by using acid blockers, antacids, or proton pump inhibitors, or cytoprotective drugs.