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Urachal Cancer

Urachal Cancer Causes

Treatment for Urachus cancer depends on what the cancer cells look like under the microscope as well as the size of the cancer and whether it has spread. Surgery however, is the main treatment to remove the cancer, which involves getting rid of a part or the entire bladder. Radiotherapy is also an option and may be performed after the surgery.

Urachal Cancer Definition

Urachal Cancer is a rare form of bladder cancer that can occur at any site along the urachal tract. First described in 1863 by Hue and Jaequin, the most common locations of the cancer are the umbilicus and the dome of the bladder. The urachus develops inside the womb and after birth, it is no longer needed and normally closes off. Though sometimes there are still traces of it from the bladder to the umbilicus, there is often a small bit left at the bladder end.

Urachal Cancer Symptoms and Signs

Symptoms of this type of cancer may not be noticed until the cancer has been there for sometimes. Symptoms include blood in the uterine, pain or discomfort between the public area and the tummy button, difficulties passing urine, mucus in the urine, and bleeding or discharge from the tummy button.

Urachal Cancer Treatment

Radiographs, CT scans and MRIs can help diagnose Urachal Cancer.