Urethritis Causes
It is said to be caused adenovirus, chalmydia trachomatis, escherichia coli, herpes, mycoplasma genitalium, trichomonas and Neisseria gonorrhea.
Urethritis Definition
Urethritis is an inflammation of the urethra that manifest through the painful and often difficult urination.
Urethritis Diagnosis
Diagnosis is made through cotton swab inserted in the urethra and examined the smeared cotton swab under the microscope.
Urethritis Symptoms and Signs
Symptoms includes discharge of a milky or pus like in the penis, burning sensation during urination, itching and irritation.
Urethritis Treatment
Treatment includes administration of clotrimazole, doxcycline, fluconazole, nitrofurantoin and nystatin.
Drugs used for treatment of Urethritis