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Valley Fever

Valley Fever Causes

Valley fever is caused by the fungi Coccidioides immitis or Coccidioides posadasii mostly found in the desert soils of Southern Arizona, Northern Mexico and San Joaquin Valley in California.

Valley Fever Definition

Valley fever is usually caused by fungi that reside in the soil. These fungi can enter the human body in cases where in the soil is stirred like farming or construction and wind and it can be breathed in by an individual. Valley fever is a type of coccidioidomycosis or cocci infection.

Valley Fever Diagnosis

Sputum smear or culture Blood test

Valley Fever Symptoms and Signs

Symptoms is evident after three weeks of exposure which are fever, cough, chest pain, chills, night sweats, headache, fatigue, shortness of breath, joint aches and red, spotty rash.

Valley Fever Treatment

Bed rest and fluids for acute valley fever Prescirbed antifungal medication like fluconazole and itraconazoleif there are complications