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Vitamin E Deficiency

Vitamin E Deficiency Causes

The condition is said to be cause by the interference of the body's absorption of vitamin e which largely depends on the person's normal pancreatic biliary function, biliary secretion, micelle formation and formation and penetration across intestinal membranes. It may also be caused by rare genetic abnormalities in the alpha-tocopherol transfer protein and to those who infants that are born prematurely.

Vitamin E Deficiency Definition

It is a condition whereby the person is unable to absorb dietary fat due to an inability to secrete bile. It is characterized by neurological problems associated with nerve degeneration in hands and feet (Institute of medicine, Food and Nutrition Board. (2000) Dietary Reference intakes: Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Selenium and Carotenoids, National Academy Press, Washington D.C).

Vitamin E Deficiency Diagnosis

Diagnosis often includes examination of patient's history of inadequate intake or a predisposing condition. The confirmation of this condition includes measuring vitamin level or through measuring RBC hemolysis in response to peroxide. Measuring Plasma alpha-tocopherol level is also suggested as it is the most direct method of diagnosis.

Vitamin E Deficiency Symptoms and Signs

In infants, low birth weight is often one common sign of the condition. Intestinal disorders like Chron's Disease, cystic fibrosis are also prevalent inasmuch as this result from the person's malabsorption of vitamin E (Farrell, P and Roberts R. (1994). Vitamin E. In: Shills M, Olson JA and Shike M., ed. Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease, 8th ed. pp.326-341).

Vitamin E Deficiency Treatment

Oral administration of Vitamin E supplement are advised to person having this kind of medical condition. Injection also of larger doses are also administered.