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Vulvovaginitis Causes

Vulvovaginitis is often said to be caused by infections, hormones especially in postmenstrual or postpartum woman, irritation or allergy in condoms,spermicides, soaps, perfumes, douches and lubricants or may even be caused by foreign bodies like tampons or condoms. Diabetes and STD are also said to cause the condition (Rodgers CA, Beardall AJ: Recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis: Why does it occur? Int J STD AIDS 10:435; quiz 440, 1999).

Vulvovaginitis Definition

Vulvovaginitis is the infection of the vulva which may be accompanied with the inflammation of the vaginal mucosa.

Vulvovaginitis Diagnosis

The condition is confirmed through laboratory and microscopy observation of the discharge after history and physical examination.

Vulvovaginitis Symptoms and Signs

Symptoms includes the following: irritation, itching or burning of the genital area, inflammation or the irritation or swelling of the labia majora, labia minora or the perineal area, vaginal discharge, foul vaginal odor, discomfort or burning when urinating and irritation or pain during sexual act.

Vulvovaginitis Treatment

Treatment often includes oral or topical antibiotics and or including antifungal creams, antibacterial creams or other similar medications to relieve irritation. Oral administration of antihistamine are also prescribed to thos have allergic reaction. Topical estrogen is also prescribed to women who have irritation and inflammation (Brook I: Microbiology and management of polymicrobial female genital tract infections in adolescents. J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol 2002;15(4):217).

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