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Warts Causes

Warts are said to be caused by a viral infection particularly the human papillomavirus or the HPV and are usually contagious when in contact with the skin of another person. It is also said that warts may be passed and be acquired from using towels or other objects used to rub the body.

Warts Definition

Warts are small, rough tumor that is typically located on the hands and feet and can resemble a cauliflower or a solid blister.

Warts Diagnosis

Diagnosis to confirm the presence of warts includes merely physical examination of the person.

Warts Symptoms and Signs

Symptoms includes the presence of the small and rather tough tumor that resembles a cauliflower or a solid blister. There are range of different types of wart which varies in shape, size and place of the body affected and the type of human papillomavirus involved (Mosby's Medical, Nursing, & Allied Health Dictionary (5th edn), Anderson KN, Anderson LE, Glanze WD, eds, Mosby). Among these are the common wart or the verruca vulgaris which is a raised rough surface that is most common in hands and feet, flatwart virus or the verruca plana, the filiform or digitate wart the plantar wart, the mosaic wart which is a group of tightly clustered plantar-type warts and the genital warts or the venereal wart.

Warts Treatment

There are a lot of medical treatments used in order for warts to vanished among these are: keratolysis or the removal of the dead skin cells by using salicylic acid, immunomodulators and formaldehyde; Cryosurgery where the warts are freezed by liquid nitrogen thereby creating a blister between the ward and the epidermal layer making the dead skin cell fall by itself; surgical curettage of the wart is also used to treat the affected area; laser treatments; administration of Imiquimod which is a topical cream that helps the body's immune system and candida injections on the site of the wart (Horn TD, Johnson SM, Helm RM, Roberson PK (2005) Intralesional immunotherapy of warts with mumps, Candida, and Trichophyton skin test antigens. Arch Dermatol 141: 589?94) and the use of Catharidin which is a chemical found in Meloidae which causes dermal blistering. There are also over the counter medications available such as those with salicylic acid, silver nitrate in caustic pencil form. Household remedies includes various fruits and vegetables such as a bruised garlic, banana skin, unskinned potato or tomato juice, green tea and vinegar. These treatments does not guarantee fast result as it needs re-application of the medication.

Drugs used for treatment of Warts
