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Water In The knee

Water In The knee Causes

This condition is often brought about by the accumulation of fluid in the knee area. Factors include a ligament tear, meniscus ter, overuse injuries and broken or fractured bones. Trauma to the affected area can also cause the fluid to accumulate.

Water In The knee Definition

Water on the knee is the common term used to describe the accumulation of fluid around and in the knee joint. This can be a result of a trauma, injury due to overuse and other medical conditions.

Water In The knee Diagnosis

The diagnostic tests for water in the knee include joint aspiration, MRI, x-ray, and blood tests. These tests can help determine the underlying cause of the condition as well as eliminate other possible cause such as other serious health complications.

Water In The knee Symptoms and Signs

Signs and symptoms of water on the knee would include pain, swelling, stiffness, and bruising.

Water In The knee Treatment

Treatment for water on the knee includes the removal of fluid on the knee joint. This will help relieve pressure in the area brought about by the buildup of fluid. An arthroscopic knee surgery may also be performed to repair the damage of the joint. In severe cases, a joint replacement may be required as well as help improve mobility.