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Worster-Drought Syndrome

Worster-Drought Syndrome Causes

It is said that Worster-Drought syndrome is due to the abnormality in the area of the brain that is responsible for the movement of the muscles around the mouth and throat. It is said to occur during the first trimester of the pregnancy (Clark, M., (2000) Worster Drought Syndrome, Institute of Child Health and Great Ormond Street Hospital).

Worster-Drought Syndrome Definition

Worster-Drought syndrome otherwise known as the congenital suprabulbar paresis, is a kind of cerebral palsy which primarily affects the bulbar muscles which in turn, causes problems with the mouth and tongue including impairment in swallowing.

Worster-Drought Syndrome Diagnosis

Worster-Drought syndrome is diagnosed through physical examination and study of family history (Neville, B. (2004) Worster-Drought Syndrome, Institute of Child Health, London, UK).

Worster-Drought Syndrome Symptoms and Signs

The signs and symptoms of Worster-Drought syndrome include difficulties with the voluntary movement of the lip, tongue and palate and often times shows brisk jaw jerk. Abnormal tooth alignment and mild spasticity of the legs and the arm including its incoordination are also manifest.

Worster-Drought Syndrome Treatment

Treatment of the syndrome depends on the degree of the feeding and speech problems. Therapies are also advised.

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