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Xanthelasma Palpebrarum

Xanthelasma Palpebrarum Causes

Palpebrarum is caused by the accumulation of fats or lipids in the reticuloendothelial cells.

Xanthelasma Palpebrarum Definition

Palpebrarum is a small plaque which is ofte yellowish in color that presents on the eyelids. Palpebrarum usually occurs in diabetes patients and to people having high cholesterol levels or lipid in their blood. The plaques usually contain high fat deposits. This condition is also called xanthelasma palpebrarum.

Xanthelasma Palpebrarum Diagnosis

Diagnosis for palpebrarum are done using skin biopsy. It will include numbing of the skin with anesthesia injected, taking a small sample of skin using razor blade or a scalpel, the sample is then examined under the microscope. The cholesterol levels in the blood are also determined.

Xanthelasma Palpebrarum Symptoms and Signs

Palpebrarum in itself is a symptom for other disorders. These plaques are mostly found in one or both of the patient's upper eyelids which are near the nose area, one or both of the lower eyelids. Sizes of the lesions can be from 2?30 mm which have flat surface and well-defined borders. The lesions are not itchy nor are they tender.

Xanthelasma Palpebrarum Treatment

Treatment for palpebrarum can be done cosmetically and by taking drugs that lowers lipids in the blood. If it can't be effectively treated using cosmetics and drugs, other measures may be done including cryotherapy, surgical excision, laser treatment, dissolving the xanthelasma by applying acetic acid solution which formulated specially, and electrodesiccation.