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Zuska's Disease

Zuska's Disease Causes

The etiology of benign breast disease is unknown. Potential causes include: Luteal phase defect in progesterone; increased estrogen (17 beta estradiol); Hyperprolactinemia; The effect of consumption of methylxanthine-containing substances, e.g., coffee and chocolate is controversial

Zuska's Disease Definition

Zuska's Disease, also known as lactiferous fistula, is a rare recurrent condition characterized by draining abscesses around the nipple. This disease is often misanalyzed and miscured, occasionally resulting in unnecessary mastectomy.

Zuska's Disease Diagnosis

The doctor may order a battery of blood tests. There are several tests that have proven reliable in diagnosing Zuska's Disease and also ruling it out.

Zuska's Disease Symptoms and Signs

Symptoms include swelling or subareolar mass, a draining fistula from behind the areola, thick discharge from the nipple, or painful discharge

Zuska's Disease Treatment

Massage and application of heat can help prior to feeding as this will aid the opening of the ducts and passageways. A cold compress may be applied to ease the pain when not needing to lose the milk, though it is most suitable to reduce the levels of milk contained. For this reason it is also advised that the baby should often feed from the inflamed organ of the chest or the breast. However, the content of the milk may be somewhat transformed, sometimes being more salty, and the taste may make the baby reject the breast at the first case.

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