Free Online Database Of Diseases, Illnesses & Ailments


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Diseases, Illnesses & Ailments Starting from Letter D

  1. Dermatomyositis
    Dermatomyosis is a disease of the connective tissues associated with muscles and skin inflammation. Juvenile dermatomyositis affects young children often associated with pink patches in the knuckles, abnormal and painful erection of the penis that can last for a long period of time, and groton's papules. It is one type of autoimmune disease of the connective tissue which is related to polymyositis characterized by many inflammations of the muscles, and the related disease that attacks the arm and leg muscles called Sporadic Inclusion Body Myositis. [read more]

  2. Dermatopathia pigmentosa reticularis
    Dermatopathia pigmentosa reticularis is a congenital disorder most common in women. It is a rare type ectodermal dysplasia disorder. Although most cases are reported in Europe, there is not enough evidence to say that the disease is associated with any race. [read more]

  3. Dermatophytids
    Dermatophytids are skin lesions and erruptions that is occurs as an allergic reaction to the ringworm infections. These lesions, however are free of fungal forms and are generally vesicular, and papular in some cases. Dermatophytes often occur in the feet and hands. It also resembles erythema nodosum [read more]

  4. Dermatophytosis
    Dermatophytosis is a skin disorder caused by a parasitic fungus called Dermatphyte. Dermatophyte feeds on keratin that usually found in the ectoderm or the outer layer of the skin, nails and hair. [read more]

  5. Dermatophytosis
    Dermatophytosis, similarly known as athlete's foot is a common fungal infection among many people. It usually affects spaces in between your toes but it can spread to your soles, toenails and the sides of your feet. [read more]

  6. DES Syndrome
    DES syndrome is a term used to describe the abnormalities suffered by an infant due to diethylstilbestrol (DES) medications the mother used to take during pregnancy to avoid miscarriage. [read more]

  7. Desmoid tumor
    Desmoid tumor is a tendon-like benign fibrous neoplasms. It originates from the musculoaponeurotic structures found in the entire body. It appears as firm overgrowths of tissues, usually fibrous, locally aggressive, well differentiated and infiltrative. Other terms used for this disorder are deep fibromatosis, nonmentastasizing fibrosarcoma or aggressive fibromatosis. It mostly grows from the abdomen and rectus muscle after giving birth or in scars from cuts during abdominal surgery. These tumors may also grow in bone muscles. [read more]

  8. Desmoplastic small round cell tumor
    Also known as DSRCT, it is a very aggressive tumor that occurs rarely, a type of cancer that always grows in the abdomen and spreads locally to the lymph nodes. It can also spread to other parts of the body like the lungs, bones, and liver, chest walls, spinal cord, large and small intestine, skull, bladder, brain, ovaries, pelvis and testicles. This is most common in males especially in the young adolescent stage. This is a life threatening disease. This tumor is also called desmoplastic small round blue cell tumor, desmoplastic cancer, intraabdominal desmoplastic small round blue cell tumor or desmoplastic sarcoma. [read more]

  9. Developmental Delay
    Developmental delay is a disorder in which a child goes through an abnormally slower process of development than expected. His mental and physical skills develop very slowly. This condition is also called cerebral palsy. [read more]

  10. Devic syndrome
    Devic syndrome is an autoimmune disease that attacks the protein of the central nervous system which is called aquaporin. This is a condition in which the fatty covering of the spinal cord is destroyed and the nerves in the eyes are affected causing sight loss and pain. A form of multi sclerosis that is rare and is rapid and severe. Patients having this disease will experience paralysis at different degrees. [read more]

  11. Dextrocardia
    Dextrocardia or Dextrocadia Situs Inversus is a medical term use to describe the location of the heart which is in the right chest instead being normally at the left side. Patients with this condition may grow and develop normally and live an equally normal life if there are no complications brought about by the heart's position. Limitations only come from other defects of the heart, lungs or chest. If there are no defects in the heart, this condition doesn't require surgery or any medication. [read more]

  12. Dextrocardia with Situs Inversus
    Dextrocardia with situs inversus is a rare state where the heart's apex is positioned abnormally towards the right side, other than the heart the liver and the spleen are reversed too. This condition is not a life threatening disease and most patients are capable of living a normal life. [read more]

  13. Diabetes insipidus
    Diabetest insipidus is a condition wherein a patient losses a lot of water through the diluted urine. It cause severe dehydration and a patient may feel the urge to drink lots of water due to the very large volume of liquid that is urinated. This disease is rare and may occur in young children. [read more]

  14. Diabetes mellitus
    Diabetes mellitus, popularly known as "diabetes" is a chronic disease. It is associated with very high levels of the glucose sugar present in our blood. There are two mechanisms for diabetes, patients may experience either of the two to suffer from this disease. The first is that there is not enough production of insulin produced by the pancreas as a result, blood glucose level are lowered or type 1. The second is that the cells is not sensitive enough to the action of insulin or type 2. [read more]

  15. Diabetes, insulin dependent
    Diabetis insulin dependent is also known as diabetes mellitus type 1. This is a chronic disorder of our system's failure to produce inadequate amount of insulin. Characteristics of this disease is loss of the beta cells which are responsible for producing insulin. These cells are found in the islets of Langerhans in our pancreas. This loss leads to insulin deficiency. There is no known measure to prevent this disease. Affected people mostly are healthy when this disease occurs. The cells sensitivity and responsiveness to insulin are not abnormal. This type of diabetes can affect both children or adults, although it was previously called "juvenile diabetes" as it usually affects children. [read more]

  16. Diabetic angiopathy
    Angiopathy refers to any disease associated with the blood vessels or the lymph vessels. When angiopathy is caused by diabetes, it is called diabetic angiopathy. Similar to most complications brought about by diabetes, diabetic angiopathy is primarily due to hyperglycemia or the high levels of blood sugar known to us as glucose. This disease can occur in any part of the body where the effect of high glucose level resulted to clogged up due to build up of plaque in the inner walls of the vessels. There are two types of this disease, macroangiopathy or microangiopathy. [read more]

  17. Diabetic Coma
    Having a dangerously low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) and dangerously high blood sugar (hyperglycemia) when you have diabetes can lead to a diabetic coma which is a life-threatening diabetes complication and when left untreated can be fatal. [read more]

  18. Diabetic Dermopathy
    Diabetic dermopathy is also commonly known as shin spots or the pigmented pretibial patches. This is a skin condition that is usually found to develop on the lower legs of people who have diabetes. This medical condition is often the result of changes in the small blood vessel, which are primarily responsible in supplying the skin blood products. [read more]

  19. Diabetic Hyperosmolar Syndrome
    Diabetic hyperosmolar syndrome is characterized by an abnormally high blood sugar, ranging up to 600 milligrams per deciliter. In this case, the blood becomes syrupy and thick. This excess sugar in the blood passes on to the urine, which then triggers the filtering process, which will draw a great amount of fluid from the body. [read more]

  20. Diabetic Ketoacidosis
    A serious complication of diabetes develops when you have too little insulin in your body, and is called diabetic ketoacidosis, for without enough insulin, glucose can't enter your cells for energy. Your body begins to break down fat for energy and your blood sugar level will rise, and if left untreated may let you lose consciousness. [read more]

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