Free Online Database Of Diseases, Illnesses & Ailments


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Diseases, Illnesses & Ailments Starting from Letter D

  1. Drug Eruption
    Drug eruption is characterized by an adverse reaction to medication. This is known as the undesirable and unintended reaction to certain drugs, causing side effects. In such cases, the skin is the most common affected area of the body and often forms rashes and other visible skin conditions. [read more]

  2. Drug Induced Liver Disease
    Drug-induced liver disease is the term used to describe liver illnesses brought about by certain prescribed medications, vitamins, hormones and recreational drugs. [read more]

  3. Dry Mouth
    Dry mouth is also known as xerostomia, characterized by the abnormal lack of saliva resulting to the dryness of the mouth. This condition is quite common and can be a nuisance since it generally affects the sense of taste as well as the health of the teeth. An important reminder for people who regularly experience such condition is to seek medical help and not just simply ignore it. [read more]

  4. Dry Skin
    Dry skin is also known by a medical term xerosis, which is ordinarily not considered to be a serious problem. However, in most cases it can be rather unsightly or uncomfortable as it is known to shrivel plump skin cells creating wrinkles and fine lines. [read more]

  5. Dry Socket
    Dry socket is a form of dental condition that usually occurs when the site of the tooth extraction has dislodged the blood clot, thereby exposing the nerves and bones. This causes a more intensified pain. This dental complication is quite common after tooth extraction. [read more]

  6. Duane syndrome
    Duane syndrome or DS is a very rare, congenital disorder that affects the eye movement. It is ofte times characterized by the eye's inability to turn out. It is named after Alexander Duane who made a very comprehensive discussion of the disorder back in 1905. Other terms referring to this condition also include Congenital retraction syndrome, Eye Retraction Syndrome, Duane's Retraction Syndrome or DR syndrome, Retraction Syndrome, and Stilling-Turk-Duane Syndrome. [read more]

  7. Dubin-Johnson syndrome
    Dubin-Johnson syndrome is a disorder usually autosomal and recessive. This condition causes an increase of bilirubin without elevation of the liver enzymes ALT and AST. This condition is often associated with the inability of hepatocytes to secrete produced conjugated bilirubin to the bile in the liver. It can be diagnosed in early infancy. Building up of biliburin in the bloodstrean cause yellowish color of the eye and skin. [read more]

  8. Dubowitz syndrome
    Dubowitz syndrome is a very rare genetic disorder. It is often characterized by microcephaly, slow to very retarded growth and a rather unusual facial appearance like having small or round or even triangular shaped with a pointed chin with either a broad or wide-tipped nose, and eyes which are usually wide-set and drooping eyelids. It was first described by English physician Victor Dubowitz in 1965. Majority of cases are from the Russia, United States, and Germany. It also appears to have an equal affect to different ethnicities and even genders. [read more]

  9. Duchenne muscular dystrophy
    is a form of muscular dystrophy that is characterized by decreasing muscle mass and progressive loss of muscle function in male children [read more]

  10. Ductal Carcinoma in Situ
    Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) is characterized by the abnormal multiplication of cells and the gradual formation of a growth within a milk duct of the breast. This medical condition may be difficult to detect. However, this is normally not a fatal condition since it is not a form of cancer but would still require a form of treatment. [read more]

  11. Dumping Syndrome
    Dumping syndrome is characterized by a group of symptoms that are known to likely develop following a surgery that removes a certain part of the stomach. This is also known as the rapid emptying of the undigested contents in the stomach. [read more]

  12. Duodenal Atresia
    is the congenital deficiency or complete closure of a part of the lumen of the duodenum. [read more]

  13. Dupuytren's contracture
    Dupuytren's contracture is characterized of a fixed flexion contracture of the person's limbs where the fingers tend to bend towards the base of the palm and cannot be fully extended or straightened naturally. It disorder is named in honor of a particular surgeon named Baron Guillaume Dupuytren, who was the first to define a surgical operation to correct the said affliction. [read more]

  14. Dust Mite Allergy
    Dust mites are microscopic organism that is somehow related to spiders and are usually found in most homes. These organisms are too small to see, and thrive in warm and humid environments. They feed on dead skin cells and nests in fabrics, beddings, furnishings and other dust-collecting objects. As the dust mites leave their residue such as decaying bodies and feces, it freely floats in the air and become an allergen. While not all people are allergic to dust mites, it can be a serious bother to people who are allergic to it. [read more]

  15. Dwarfism
    Dwarfism is a medical condition that refers to a condition of extremely small stature of an effected animal or even plant. Any known type of the marked human smallness is typically regarded as dwarfism in the much older, popular as well as the medical usage. The term as actually related to human beings that are often used to refer specifically to such forms of extreme shortness that is characterized by disproportionate body parts, which is believed to be typically due to a genetic disorder of the bone or cartilage development. [read more]

  16. Dysautonomia
    is any disease or malfunction of the autonomic nervous system. This typically includes the postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome orPOTS, neurocardiogenic syncope, pure autonomic failure as well as autonomic instability and several number of a much lesser-known disorders. Other type of disorders, such as the multiple system atrophy (Shy-Drager syndrome) as well as the chronic fatigue syndrome, both have dysautonomia as one of the many system malfunctions. [read more]

  17. Dysbarism
    Refers to a medical condition that is often a result from the series of changes in environment's pressure. There are various strenuous activities that are associated with pressure changes such as scuba diving, which is said to be the most frequently cited example, but pressure changes would also affect people who are working in pressurized environments such as the line workers that are assigned in the decompression areas along with people who move between different altitudes like in mountain climbing. [read more]

  18. Dysencephalia splachnocyxtica
    Dysencephalia splachnocyxtica is not an ordinary ailment and is characterized by a severe genetic disorder that primarily affects the kidney along with some related cystic dysplasia, that causes the malfunctioning of the central nervous system and can eventaully create several hepatic developmental defects. [read more]

  19. Dysfibrinogenemia, familial
    Dysfibrinogenemia, familial is a type of familial medication condition that is not common. It is associated with an abnormal fibrinogen. Dysfibrinogenemia, familial involves several types and subtypes including Detroit, Wiesbaden, and Amsterdam dysfibrinogenemia. [read more]

  20. Dysgerminoma
    Dysgerminoma is considered to be the most common classification of malignant form of germ cell ovarian cancer. Dysgerminoma usually occurs in adolescence and early adult life; about 5% occur in pre-pubertal children. Dysgerminoma is known to be an extremely rare medical condition that usually occurs after age 50. Dysgerminoma occurs in both sections of the ovaries in more than 10% of patients and, in a further 10%, there is microscopic tumor found to have developed in the other ovary. [read more]

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