Free Online Database Of Diseases, Illnesses & Ailments


Here you can look through thousands of and diseases, ailments, medical conditions and illnesses. You can find the symptoms. Read about any ailment's diagnosis and find medications that can be used and the correct treatments that are needed.

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Diseases, Illnesses & Ailments Starting from Letter H

  1. Hyperprolinemia
    Hyperprolinemia is a disorder resulting from excessive protein-building block (known as proline) in the patient's blood. This inherited condition has two types, namely Type I and Type II. [read more]

  2. Hyperreflexia
    Hyperreflexia is a medical condition characterized by overresponsive or overactive reflexes, such as twitching and spastic tendencies. Hyperreflexia, which is more of a symptom than a disease, is usually indicative of a disorder of the upper motor neurons as well as disinhibition or a decrease or loss of control in the higher brain centers. [read more]

  3. Hypersexuality
    Hypersexuality is the desire to engage in human sexual behavior at a level high enough to be considered clinically significant. Hypersexuality is marked by a debilitating need for frequent genital stimulation which, once achieved, may fail to result in the expected long-term sexual?or emotional?satisfaction. This dissatisfaction is what is believed to encourage the increased frequency of sexual stimulation, as well as additional physiological and neurological symptoms. [read more]

  4. Hypersomnia
    Hypersomnia is a condition characterized by recurring episodes of excessive daytime sleepiness. People in this condition tend to take a nap at random hours during the day. [read more]

  5. hypertension
    High blood pressure or more popularly referred to as hypertension means high pressure in the arteries or the vessels that carries blooding from the heart to other parts of the body. The normal blood pressure of a human being is typically below 120/80 and people who reaxch 140/90 are most likely suffering form hypertension. [read more]

  6. Hypertension, Pregnancy-Related
    Pregnancy-related hypertension, or preeclampsia, is a common problem during pregnancy. The condition is defined by high blood pressure and excess protein in the urine after 20 weeks of pregnancy. [read more]

  7. Hypertensive Heart Disease
    Hypertensive heart disease is a complication of arterial hypertension that involves the heart. It is one of the most common causes of fatalities in different societies. [read more]

  8. Hypertensive Retinopathy
    Hypertensive retinopathy is characterized by retinal damage that results from hypetension or high blood pressure. [read more]

  9. Hyperthermia
    Hyperthermia is the development of severe health problems due to intense heat or because of extremely hot weather conditions. This is often referred to as the advanced state of sunstroke or heat stroke, which can prove to be fatal and requires immediate medical attention. [read more]

  10. Hyperthyroidism
    Hyperthyroidism is a medical condition that is caused by the ill effects of too much production of thyroid hormone on tissues of the human body. While there are several underlying causes of hyperthyroidism, patients would usually experience the same symptoms. [read more]

  11. Hypertrichosis
    Hypertrichosis, or werewolf's disease, refers to an abnormally excessive hair growing on the body. This hair tends to cover the face, arms and other parts of the skin. [read more]

  12. Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
    Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is a defect in the muscle of the heart known as myocardium. This disease is characterized by the thickening (or hypertrophy) of the myocardium without any evident cause. HCM is believed to be the leading cause of sudden, unexpected cardiac arrest in any age group. [read more]

  13. Hypertropia
    Hypertropia is characterized by the misalignment of the eyes, in which the visual axis of one eye is higher than the other. It is similar to hypotropia, wherein focus of the eye with the visual axis is lower than the fellow fixating eye. [read more]

  14. Hyperventilation
    Hyperventilation is a condition in which the air passageways narrow due to excessive inhalation of oxygen. This commonly occurs during asthma attacks. [read more]

  15. Hyper_Igm_Syndrome
    Hyper IgM syndrome, or ?Hypogammaglobulinemia with Hyper-IgM', is a type of genetic disease characterized by a distinctly high occurrence of Immunoglobulin M (i.e., IgM) antibodies. [read more]

  16. Hyphema
    Hyphema is a condition wherein blood is accumulated inside the anterior chamber of the eye. [read more]

  17. Hypoadrenalism
    Hypoadrenalism is a condition whereaby the adrenal glands are underactive, with suppressed ability to produce a range of hormones. The adrenal glands, located above each kidney, are responsible for hormone production. The inactivity of these glands is called hypoadrenalism. [read more]

  18. Hypoaldosteronism
    Hypoaldosteronism is a condition characterized by reduced levels of the hormone aldosterone. This condition may lead to a potentially serious disease called hyperkalemia. It can also led to hyponatremia. [read more]

  19. hypocalcemia
    Hypocalcemia is a type of electrolyte disturbance characterized by a having low serum calcium levels. The human body regulates only the calcium that are not bound to proteins or ionized. Individuals with abnormally low levels of blood proteins may have plasma calcium that are inaccurate. In cases like this, the ionized calcium level is considered more accurate. [read more]

  20. Hypochondria
    Hypochondria sometimes referred to as health phobia) refers to an excessive preoccupation or worry about having a serious illness. Usually, hypochondria persists even after a physician has evaluated a person and reassured him/her that his/her concerns about symptoms do not have an underlying medical basis or, if there is a medical illness, the concerns are far in excess of what is appropriate for the level of disease [read more]

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