Free Online Database Of Diseases, Illnesses & Ailments


Here you can look through thousands of and diseases, ailments, medical conditions and illnesses. You can find the symptoms. Read about any ailment's diagnosis and find medications that can be used and the correct treatments that are needed.

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Diseases, Illnesses & Ailments Starting from Letter O

  1. Omenn Syndrome
    Omenn syndrome is a severe combined immunodeficiency associated with mutations in the recombination activating genes, affecting both B-cells and T-cells. [read more]

  2. Omsk Hemorrhagic Fever
    Omsk Hemorrhagic Fever is a very contagious infection caused by the Omsk Hemorrhagic Fever Virus. [read more]

  3. Onchocerciasis
    Onchocerciasis is an infectious condition in which slender threadlike roundworms invade and are deposited under the skin or in some cases, the eyes. [read more]

  4. Oncocytoma
    An oncocytoma is an epithelial tumor in the kidney or salivary gland. These tumors are composed of oncocytes, which are special cells. [read more]

  5. Ondine's Curse
    Ondine's Curse is a respiratory disorder which results in episodes of respiratory arrest during sleep. It is a serious disorder and fatal if not treated. The disorder is also referred to as congenital central hypoventilation syndrome or primary alveolar hypoventilation. [read more]

  6. Oneirophobia
    Oneirophobia is a person's unwarranted fear of dreams. [read more]

  7. Onychogryphosis
    Onychogryphosis is a nail deformation characterized by the thickening of a toenail at the point where the nail curves, giving it a somewhat claw-like appearance. Onychogryphosis typically affects the big toe nail. [read more]

  8. Onychomycosis
    Onychomycosis means fungal infection of the nail. It is the very common disease of the nails and constitutes about a half of all nail abnormalities. This condition can affect toe- or fingernails, but toenail infections are particularly common. The prevalence of onychomycosis is about 6-8% in the adult population. Onychomycosis caused by dermatophytes is also called as tinea unguium (tinea of the nails). [read more]

  9. Oophoritis
    Oophoritis is a condition characterized by inflammation of either one or both ovaries, usually occurring alongside an infection and possibly affecting female fertility. [read more]

  10. Open-Angle Glaucoma
    Open-angle glaucoma pertains to a relatively common, chronic, slowly progressing form of glaucoma that usually affects both eyes. Glaucoma pertains to a group of eye conditions characterized by damage to the nerve at the back of the eye, usually due to increased pressure within the eye, and ultimately resulting in vision loss. Open-angle glaucoma is the most common of all types of glaucoma, and tends to develop very slowly. The term ?open-angle? is used in reference to the relatively normal angle between the iris and the sclera; normal in contrast to other forms of glaucoma. [read more]

  11. Ophthalmitis
    Ophthalmitis is a general term encompassing all types of eye inflammation. However, the term is more commonly used in the context of sympathetic ophthalmitis or neonatal ophthalmitis. [read more]

  12. Opitz Syndrome
    The Opitz syndrome is a problematic developmental condition that involves various parts of the body. It is mainly characterized by bizarre facial features, abnormally small size of the head, learning disabilities and behavioral problems. [read more]

  13. Opportunistic Infections
    An opportunistic infection is caused by pathogens in an unhealthy immune system, which presents the "opportunity" for the pathogen to infect. [read more]

  14. Oppositional Defiant Disorder
    Oppositional defiant disorder is an abnormal pattern of disobedient, hostile, and defiant behavior toward authority figures. [read more]

  15. Oppositional Defiant Disorder
    Oppositional defiant disorder is a controversial psychiatric category listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders where it is described as an ongoing pattern of disobedient, hostile, and defiant behavior toward authority figures which goes beyond the bounds of normal childhood behavior. [read more]

  16. Opththalmoplegia
    Opththalmoplegia pertains an eye abnormality characterized by the paralysis of eye muscles. It may also be spelled alternatively as opththalmoplegia. [read more]

  17. Optic Atrophy
    Optic atrophy is the loss of some or most of the fibers of the optic nerve. [read more]

  18. Optic Atrophy, Autosomal Dominant
    Optic atrophy, autosomal dominant is also called dominant optic atrophy, Kjer optic atrophy, or Kjer's autosomal dominant optic atrophy. It is a condition that affects the optic nerves of both eyes reducing a person's vision and may lead to blindness. [read more]

  19. Optic Disc Drusen
    Optic disc drusen is a condition in which globules of mucoproteins and mucopolysaccharides progressively harden in the optic disc. This condition is associated with vision loss of varying degree. [read more]

  20. Optic Neuritis
    Optic neuritis is an inflammation of the optic nerve, which may cause a complete or partial loss of vision. It is sometimes referred to as retrobulbar neuritis. [read more]

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