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3 results found for "Hyperoxaluria"

  • Hyperoxaluria
    Hyperoxaluria is a condition in which there is emission of excessive quantity of ?oxalate' in one's urine. Oxalate is basically organic salt that forms soluble salt when combined with potassium and sodium, but when joint with calcium, it generates insoluble product that's found in kidney stones. Mild types of the condition are comparatively common, and may cause the formation of kidney stones. Bigger quantities of the oxalate in urine may be due to intestinal diseases that cause over-absorption of the oxalate. [read more]

  • Nephrocalcinosis
    Nephrocalcinosis is a condition wherein calcium salt deposits affect the function of the kidney. The condition is most commonly seen as an incidental finding for medullary sponge kidney through an x-ray of the abdomen. [read more]

  • Primary Hyperoxaluria
    Primary hyperoxaluria is a rare condition marked by overproduction of the substance oxalate also known as oxalic acid. Extreme oxalate deposits can combine with calcium and forms calcium oxalate leading to kidney damage or failure and injury to other organs in the body. There are two types of primary hyperoxaluria; type 1 primary hyperoxaluria and type 2 primary hyperoxaluria. The first one lacks the liver enzyme alanine-glyoxylate aminotransferase while the second type lacks the enzyme glyoxylate reductase/hydroxypyruvate reductase. [read more]

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