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8 results found for "RINGWORM"

  • Dermatophytids
    Dermatophytids are skin lesions and erruptions that is occurs as an allergic reaction to the ringworm infections. These lesions, however are free of fungal forms and are generally vesicular, and papular in some cases. Dermatophytes often occur in the feet and hands. It also resembles erythema nodosum [read more]

  • Granuloma annulare
    Granuloma annulare is a chronic skin condition consisting of raised, reddish or skin-colored bumps (lesions) that form ring patterns, typically on the hands and feet. [read more]

  • Kerion
    A scalp condition that occurs in severe cases of scalp ringworm (tinea capitis), appearing as an inflamed, thickened, pus-filled area, and it is sometimes accompanied by a fever is called kerion. Commonly seen in children, the underlying condition, scalp ringworm is a usually harmless fungal infection of the hair and scalp that occurs as scaly spots and patches of broken hair on the head. [read more]

  • Pityriasis Rosea
    Pityriasis rosea is a common human skin disease which presents as numerous patches of pink or red oval rash, mainly on the torso. Although the cause remains unknown, it is most likely a virus. Antibiotics like Erythromycin have been found to be completely ineffective. The condition appears to be completely non-contagious. [read more]

  • Ringworm
    Ringworm, also called Tinea, pertains to a skin infection characterized by a reddish or brownish bumpy patch of skin that's usually lighter at the center, thus resembling a ring-like appearance. Ringworms can exist in any part of the body. [read more]

  • Ringworm Of The Body
    Ringworm of the body is a fungal infection affecting the top layer of the skin. It is also referred to as tinea corporis. [read more]

  • Ringworm Of The Scalp
    Ringworm of the scalp is a fungal infection affecting the scalp, skin, and nails. It is also known as tinea capitis. [read more]

  • Tinea Capitis
    Tinea capitis is a fungal infection affecting the scalp, skin, and nails. It is also known as ringworm of the scalp. [read more]

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