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2 results found for "ectopia cordis"

  • Ectopia cordis
    Ectopia cordis is categorized as ab extremely rare congenital malformation of the heart that still remains very not easy to treat up to this day and age. Ectopia cordis is characterized by the development of the heart outside the chest wall, which means it is not protected by the sternum or the skin. In such cases, it is also likely that other organs may also form outside the body. [read more]

  • Pentalogy Of Cantrell
    Pentalogy of Cantrell is a very rare syndrome which causes defects in the diaphragm, heart and lower sternum, abdominal wall, and pericardium. The syndrome are characterized into five findings. This includes Omphalocele, Anterior diaphragmatic hernia, Sternal cleft, Ectopia cordis, and Intracardiac defect which involves a defective ventricular septal or a state called diverticulum of the left ventricle. It is characterized by a combination of very severe defects involving the middle of the chest which does not exclude the sternum, abdominal wall, diaphragm, and heart. [read more]

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