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6 results found for "lead poisoning"

  • Anemia, Sideroblastic
    Sideroblastic anemia is a condition caused by the abnormal production of red blood cells, normally as a part of myelodysplastic syndrome that can evolve into hematological malignancies, such as acute myelogenous leukemia. When this happens, the patient's body will have iron, but it cannot incorporate this into the hemoglobin. [read more]

  • Auditory Processing Disorder
    Auditory Processing Disorder other wise known as the Central Auditory Processing Disorder or the CAPD for brevity is a medical condition where the person affected, usually children of school age, cannot process information they received through hearing because their ears and brain do not fully coordinate. [read more]

  • Auditory Processing Disorder In Children
    Auditory processing disorder (APD) is a condition in which auditory information is not properly processed when it reaches the brain. It is a form of dyslexia that involves the central nervous system. People with this disorder have a difficulty recognizing the differences amongst sounds. [read more]

  • Epilepsy
    Epilepsy is a very common chronic neurological condition characterized by a recurrent seizure which is usally.The unprovoked seizures are transient signs or symptoms brought about by synchronous, abnormal, or excessive activities of the neurons in the patient's brain.There are about 50 million people around the world who suffer epilepsy at an any given time. Not all of epilepsy syndrome cases occur in a lifetime. Some forms of this disorder are only confined to some certain stages of childhood. Epilepsy, however, should not be considered or interpreted as a single disorder, rather occur as a group of syndromes with widely divergent symptoms which are all involving an episodic, abnormal electrical activity in the brain. [read more]

  • Hereditary non-spherocytic hemolytic anemia
    Hereditary nonspherocytic hemolytic anemia is a term used to describe a group of rare, genetically transmitted blood disorders marked by the premature destruction of red blood cells (erythrocytes or RBCs). If the red blood cells cannot be replaced faster than they destroy themselves, anemia results. [read more]

  • Lead Poisoning
    Lead poisoning is a result of exposure to lead in the environment. Even thou lead is no longer used in paints, gasoline, water pipes and other products, some lead-based products still exist and may pose a health hazard. [read more]

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