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10 results found for "papilledema"

  • Bannayan-Zonana syndrome
    Bannayan-Zonana syndrome or other term is Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba syndrome is an unusual hamartomatous disorder through the incidence of several subcutaneous macrocephaly, lipomas and hemangiomas. In an autosomal prevailing form the disease is inherited though wild cases have been documented. Hamartomatous polyposis syndrome is the family where the disease belongs that also involves juvenile polyposis, Peutz-Jeghers syndrome and Cowden syndrome. BZS lesions are slowly developing and simply resectable. Intracranial association and visceral may happen in unusual conditions and can result to bleeding and indicative automatic compression particularly of the spinal cord or spinal nerve roots and may need surgical resection. [read more]

  • Cone dystrophy
    Cone dystrophy is categorized as a genetic form of blindness which typically results in the impairment of the patient's photoreceptor cone cells, which is an essential part of the human vision. [read more]

  • Hydrocephalus
    Hydrocephalus is a term derived from the Greek words "hydro" meaning water, and "cephalus" meaning head, and this condition is sometimes known as "water in the brain". People with this condition have abnormal collection of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in the ventricles, or cavities, of the brain. [read more]

  • Hypertensive Retinopathy
    Hypertensive retinopathy is characterized by retinal damage that results from hypetension or high blood pressure. [read more]

  • Medulloblastoma
    By definition, medulloblastoma is an extremely malignant primary brain tumor that comes from the cerebellum or posterior fossa of the human brain. It belongs to the family of tumors knows as cranial primitive neuroectodermal tumors or PNET. [read more]

  • Myoclonus Epilepsy
    Myoclonus epilepsy is a type of brain function disturbance characterized by epileptic seizures, muscle twitching or myoclonus, and other serious symptoms. [read more]

  • Papilledema
    Papilledema is characterized as the swelling of the optic nerve. This is the point where the option nerve joins the eye, where the swelling causes a fluid pressure within the patient's skull or what is known as the intracranial pressure. This swelling can be due to an inflammatory illness or infection. [read more]

  • Papilloedema
    Papilloedema is a disease characterized by optic disc swelling, often as a result of increased intracranial pressure. The characteristic swelling frequently occurs bilaterally over a period of hours to weeks. Papilloedema is also alternatively spelled as papilledema. [read more]

  • Pseudomotor Cerebri
    Pseudomotor cerebri, also known as intercranial pressure, is the severe headache a person suffers for no specific reason. Sudden pains occur in the different parts of the skull, which is due to pressures happening inside the brain. [read more]

  • Pseudopapilledema
    Pseudopapilledema is an atypical elevation of the eye's optic disc. It consists of acid mucopolysaccharides. Pseudopapilledema develops in severe cases of hyperopia and optic nerve drusden. [read more]

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