Free Online Database Of Diseases, Illnesses & Ailments


Here you can look through thousands of and diseases, ailments, medical conditions and illnesses. You can find the symptoms. Read about any ailment's diagnosis and find medications that can be used and the correct treatments that are needed.

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Diseases, Illnesses & Ailments Starting from Letter B

  1. Body Odor and Sweating
    Body odor and sweating pertain to excessive perspiration that produces a foul-smelling smell emanating from the body. [read more]

  2. Boil
    Boil (or furuncle) is a skin disease brought about by the inflammation of hair follicles, resulting in the localized accumulation of pus and dead tissue. Individual boils can group together and form an interconnected network of boils called carbuncles. In severe cases, boils may develop to form in what is known as abscesses. [read more]

  3. Boils
    Painful, pus-filled bumps that form under your skin when bacteria infect and inflame one or more of your follicles are called boils and carbuncles. They usually start as red, tender lumps that quickly fill with pus, growing larder and more painful until they rupture and drain, which mostly take about two weeks to heal although some boils disappear in a few days after they occur. They may appear anywhere on your skin, but appear mainly on your neck, face, armpits, thighs or buttocks where these hair-bearing areas are most likely to sweat or experience friction. [read more]

  4. Bone Cancer
    Bone Cancer is cancer originating in the bone and believed to be one of the rare types of cancer due to few reported incidence. There are different forms of bone cancer namely: osteosarcoma, chondrosarcoma, and Ewing's sarcoma. Chondrosarcoma arise in the cartilage. Osteosarcoma occurs in growing bone tissue and Ewing's sarcoma starts in immature tissue of the bone marrow; occurring mostly in children and young individuals. [read more]

  5. Bone Infection
    Bone infection is a common term for a medical condition known as osteomyelitis, which is characterized by an infection that may begin in the bone itself or has spread to the bone from other parts of the body. [read more]

  6. Bone Loss
    Bone loss occurs when the bones become weak and brittle, usually due to low levels of minerals, phosphorus, and calcium in the body. Bone loss is closely associated with osteoporosis and is more common among women. [read more]

  7. Bone Neoplasm
    Bone neoplasm, or bone cancer, is when new abnormal bone tissue grows due to excessive cellular division and proliferation. The bone tissue develops more rapidly than normal and continues to grow even after the stimuli that initiated it stops. This includes tumors or cancer located in bone tissue or specific bones. [read more]

  8. Bone Spurs
    Bone spurs pertain to bony protrusions or projections around the edges of the bones. Also called osteophytes, bone spurs are not necessarily painful on their own but may rub against surrounding nerves and bones, thus causing pain. [read more]

  9. Borderline Personality Disorder
    Borderline Personality Disorder is a devastating mental condition characterized by instability about personal perception in combination to difficulty in maintaining stable relationship usually manifested by unpredictable moods, extreme ?black and white? thinking, fear of abandonment, and impulsive often self-injurious behavior. This condition results to troubles in relationships, long-range planning and self-identity. [read more]

  10. Bordetella Pertussis
    Bordetella pertussis belongs to the genus Bordetella. It is a Gram-negative, aerobic coccobacillus which the main agent that causes whooping cough. [read more]

  11. Bornholm Disease
    Bornholm Disease otherwise known as the Devil's grip, the Epidemic myalgia, or the Epidemic pleurodynia, the Epidemic transient diaphragmatic spasm or The Grasp of the Phantom is a medical condition that is brought about by a viral infection.. [read more]

  12. Borrelia
    Borrelia belongs to a genus of bacteria of the class spirochete. It is a disease which is zoonotic, vector-borne that is transferred mainly by ticks and some lice that depends on the species. Borrelia has 37 known species. [read more]

  13. Borreliosis
    Borreliosis, also known as Lyme disease, is an emerging infectious disease caused by bacteria from the genus Borrelia. The vector of infection is usually the bite of an infected black-legged or deer tick, but other carriers (including other ticks in the genus Ixodes) have been implicated. Borrelia burgdorferi is the leading cause of Lyme disease in the U.S. and Borrelia afzelii and Borrelia garinii are found in Europe. The disease presentation varies greatly, and may include a rash and flu-like symptoms in its initial stage, then musculoskeletal, neurologic, arthritic, psychiatric and cardiac manifestations. In a most of the cases, symptoms can be eliminated with antibiotics, especially if treatment begins early in the course of illness. Late or inadequate treatment often results to "late stage" Lyme disease that is disabling and difficult to treat. Controversy over diagnosis, testing and treatment has resulted to two different standards of care. [read more]

  14. Bothriocephalosis
    Bothriocephalosis (also known as Diphyllobothriasis) is an infection with an intestinal parasite. The parasite is a fish tapeworm known as Diphyllobothrium latum. Human infection is caused by eating undercooked fish contaminated with the bacteria. Adult tapeworms may infect humans, felines, canids, pinnipeds, bears, and mustelids, though the accuracy of the records for some of the nonhuman species is disputed. Immature eggs are passed in the feces of the mammal host (the definitive host, where the worms reproduce). [read more]

  15. Botulism
    Botulism (from the Latin word, botulus, meaning "sausage") is a rare, but serious paralytic illness caused by a toxin, botulin, that is produced by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum. Botulinic toxin is one of the most powerful known toxins: about one microgram is deadly to humans. It acts by blocking nerve function and leads to respiratory and musculoskeletal paralysis to the individual. [read more]

  16. Bourneville's Disease
    Bourneville's disease (also known as Tuberous sclerosis) is characterized by facial lesions with tuberous sclerosis, first reported as adenoma sebaceum, but now recognised as angiofibromas. It produces tuberous sclerosis occurring in association with adenoma sebaceum. It is syndrome of epilepsy, severe mental retardation associated with adenoma sebaceum (overgrowth of the sebaceous glands) of the face, hamartomatous tumours of the heart and kidney, and cerebral cortical tubers (hence the name "tuberous sclerosis"). It is heredofamilial and usually shows itself early in life. Females are more often affected by this disease than males. Incomplete forms of the syndrome can manifest. Bourneville's disease is transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait with variable expressivity. [read more]

  17. Bovine Tuberculosis
    Bovine TB is a disease that primarily attacks animals that can also be transmitted to humans through aerosols and intake of raw milk. This disease is common in under developed countries. [read more]

  18. Bowel Incontinence
    Also known as fecal incontinence is the lack of ability to control bowel movement, which causes stool to seep out from the rectum without warning. The severity can range from occasional stool leakage in combination to passing of gas to total loss of bowel control usually causing embarrassment and withdrawal from social events thinking that sudden stool leakage may occur. [read more]

  19. Bowel Obstruction
    Bowel Obstruction is a medical condition whereby there is blockage or obstruction of the intestines that results to the abnormal bowel movements. [read more]

  20. Bowen's Disease
    Bowen's disease (BD) is a skin disease induced by sunlight, considered either as an early stage or intraepidermal form of squamous cell carcinoma. [read more]

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