Free Online Database Of Diseases, Illnesses & Ailments


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Diseases, Illnesses & Ailments Starting from Letter C

  1. Carotid Artery Dissection
    Carotid artery dissection involves a tear in an inner artery lining, known as carotid artery. Carotid arteries supply blood to the brain, and are located in the neck's front portion. The condition may be critical, and needs immediate medical attention. [read more]

  2. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
    Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition wherein the carpal tunnel's median nerve is pinched or entrapped due to swelling tendons or nerve or both. Carpal tunnel safeguards the major nerve to the hand, as well as the nine tendons responsible for bending the fingers. When pressure is placed on this major nerve, it causes pain, muscle weakness, and paresthesias in the hand and forearm. [read more]

  3. Carpenter Syndrome
    Carpenter syndrome is classified as a very rare or uncommon genetic disorder, distinguished through premature closure of skull bones, growth retardation, heart defects, craniofacial abnormalities, and other health disorders. It is usually manifests at/or shortly following birth. [read more]

  4. Castleman's Disease
    Castleman's disease is considered an uncommon illness affecting the lymph nodes and the body's immune-cell structures. The disease is categorized as lymphoproliferative disorder; meaning it involves overgrowth or proliferation of the lymphatic cells. While it's similar to lymphatic system cancers in many ways, Castleman's disease is non-cancerous. It has two types: Unicentric that involves one site of tissue growths, and Multicentric involving multiple sites of growths. [read more]

  5. Cat Eye Syndrome
    Cat Eye syndrome is a very uncommon chromosomal disorder relating to chromosome 22 genetic abnormalities. The syndrome affects the eyes' appearance, and can be apparent at birth. Its name is derived from the distinctive eye abnormality present in affected individuals. This characteristic consists of the partial lack of coloboma or ocular tissue, which often affects both eyes. [read more]

  6. Cat-Scratch Disease
    Cat-scratch disease is a communicable disease transmitted through the bacteria in a cat's saliva. The disease can be caught from a cat's bite or scratch, and may be passed on from cat to human. The disease isn't severe in healthy people, but it may be a problem for those who have a weak immune system. [read more]

  7. Catatonic Schizophrenia
    Catatonic schizophrenia is a subtype of chronic mental illness known as schizophrenia, which is characterized by altered perception of reality, behavior, and thinking. Patients with catatonic schizophrenia are typically extremely inactive or display minimal movements that seem disconnected from their surroundings. These episodes, known as catatonic episodes, may last for mere minutes or as long as a few hours. [read more]

  8. CATCH 22 Syndrome
    CATCH 22 syndrome comprises an extensive range of developmental defects linked to microdeletions of chromosomal area 22q11.2. More known examples of CATCH 22 phenotype are Velo-Cardio-Facial syndrome, DiGeorge syndrome, and Opitz GBBB syndrome. The acronym CATCH 22 summarizes the major medical features of the 22q11.2 deletions. [read more]

  9. Catel Manzke Syndrome
    Catel Manzke syndrome is an uncommon genetic disorder combining glossoptosis, cleft palate, and micrognathia with an abnormality of the index fingers. Apart from the major features, there are also several related malformations described, particularly growth retardation and cardiac defect. [read more]

  10. Caudal Regression Syndrome
    Caudal regression syndrome is an uncommon disorder wherein the fetal spine's bottom portion does not properly develop. As a result, abnormalities that can be mild or severe occur. The syndrome can lead to various problems, varying from partial nonappearance of the spine's tailbone areas, to severe cases entailing significant malformation of pelvis, lower vertebrate, and spine. [read more]

  11. Causalgia
    Causalgia is defined as a chronic pain disease that typically affects the leg or arm. It is characterized by reduced motion range of the hand and shoulder of an affected arm. In rare cases, it can involve other parts of the body. [read more]

  12. Cavernous Hemangioma
    Cavernous hemangioma is a harmless propagation of the blood vessels, wherein there is a formation of a tumor-like mass of blood vessels in the internal organs or the skin. This vascular tumor is composed of huge quantity of blood. The usual ?superficial? lesions have dark to bright red color; lesions that are deep are blue in color. This condition extends more intensely than capillary hemangioma, so spontaneous regression is less likely. [read more]

  13. Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis
    Cavernous sinus thrombosis is a condition wherein there is formation of blood clot made up of fibrin and platelets in the brain's cavernous sinus. Cavernous sinus is found at the brain's base and contains several nerves, other structures, and a vein. This vein transports deoxygenated blood from face and brain then back to the heart. Associated conditions are craniocerebral trauma, thrombophilia, and infections of paranasal sinuses and contiguous structures. [read more]

  14. Cayler Syndrome
    Some people are born with defects on their lower lip, and this may occur on the right or left side of the lip. This disease is Cayler Syndrome, also known as asymmetric crying facies. It is a disease wherein a congenital heart defect constricts the muscle movement of the lower lip. The controlled muscle movement is due to an underdeveloped muscle in the lip, or a complete absence of the muscle. Being congenital in nature, those afflicted are born with the disease, and is noticed in the infant when they cry or smile. [read more]

  15. CDG Syndrome
    When your child is born with a disease, knowledge about it will help you and your family cope with and learn how to raise the child as they need to. CDG, or congenital disorders of glycosylation, is a disease that affects the body's metabolic systems. It is also known by the name carbohydrate-deficient glycosylation syndrome. The central and peripheral nervous system are the most affected functions of those who are diagnosed with CDG syndrome. [read more]

  16. Celiac Disease
    Celiac disease pertains to a digestive disorder set off by consumption of gluten, a type of protein that can be found in pasta, bread, pizza crust, cookies, and other food products that contain barley, wheat or rye. [read more]

  17. Celiac sprue
    Genetics plays a significant role when it comes to the diseases we get or do not get in our lifetime. Among those that are determined by genetics, is celiac sprue, which affects the autoimmunity of the small bowel. Research has shown that an estimated 1% of patients come from Indo-European origins, although the disease still remains to be largely underdiagnosed. [read more]

  18. Cellulite
    Cellulite is unsightly fat visible on the skin. Cellulite is dimpled in appearance and can be typically seen on the hips, thighs, and buttocks of women. [read more]

  19. Cenani Lenz Syndactylism
    Cenani Lenz syndactylism is a hereditary malformation syndrome that involves both the lower and upper extremity. It's an uncommon birth defect that's characterized by a variety of bone abnormalities. The syndrome was named after two medical geneticists; Turkish geneticist Asim Cenani, and German geneticist Widukind Lenz. [read more]

  20. Central diabetes insipidus
    Central diabetes insipidus is one of the two types of diabetes. The disease causes those afflicted to have extremely diluted urine, a result of a hormone deficiency vasopressin, an antidiuretic hormone. The condition disables the function of the kidneys to produce concentrated urine. Because of the excessive excretion of urine, people with central diabetes insipidus also show symptoms of extreme thirst for cold water. Dehydration is also a common symptom, since the body is unable to store water. The urine of patients also do not contain any glucose. In rare cases, central diabetes insipidus also causes blurred vision. Adults should be able to drink enough water to make up for the loss during extreme urination in order to keep healthy and live with the disease. Children who suffer from central diabetes insipidus show more drastic symptoms, such as diarrhea, fever, and vomiting. The disease also affects the child's growth, appetite, and eating functions. The disease may also occur gestationally, when women get pregnant but it disappears after labor. For one to be diagnosed with central diabetes insipidus, a number of tests are done concerning the blood glucose, calcium, and bicarbonate levels are conducted. Urinalysis is also conducted to determine the levels of electrolytes and urine osmolality, in which a person positive with central diabetes insipidus would have low results for both. An important tool in determining the cause of central diabetes insipidus is the fluid deprivation test. The disease can be caused by one of three factors: excessive liquid consumption, a disability in the production of the antidiuretic hormone, or if the cause lies in the kidney's reaction to the antidiuretic hormone. The test also makes use of a desmopressin stimulation to help in determining the main cause for the patient's condition. Should the patient be suspected of having central diabetes insipidus, further hormone testing of the pituitary is done. A magnetic resonance imagine, or MRI, is also conducted to determine what process is influencing the functions of the pituitary. Patients, including those with gestational cases, who are tested positive of central diabetes insipidus are treated with desmopressin. Those who develop gestational diabetes may also acquire the disease in their other pregnancies. For those who are diagnosed with nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, the desmopressin treatment will not be effective. [read more]

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