Free Online Database Of Diseases, Illnesses & Ailments


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Diseases, Illnesses & Ailments Starting from Letter L

  1. Leukemia, B-Cell, chronic
    Leukemia, B-Cell, chronic, is a cancer of the white blood cells. It attacks a particular lymphocyte called B cell and thrives on the lymph nodes. When the B cell is damaged, it can no longer fight infections and kills other healthy blood cells in the process. [read more]

  2. Leukemia, Myeloid
    Myeloid leukemia is a kind of leukemia that affects the bone marrow tissue. It has two distinct types, the acute and chronic myelogenous leukemia. Acute myeloid leukemia is characterized by the overpopulation of white blood cells in the bone marrow and get in the way of production of the normal blood cells. Chronic myeloid leukemia meanwhile is a stem cell disorder linked with chromosomal translocations. [read more]

  3. Leukemia-Tcell-Chronic
    Chronic T-Cell Leukemia, also referred to as T-cell-prolymphocytic leukemia (T-PLL), is a post-thymic T-cell malignancy primarily inflicting adults aged 30 and above. This is a severe form of T-cell leukemia with aggressive behavior, predilection for blood, bone marrow, lymph nodes, liver, spleen, and skin involvement. Chronic T-Cell Leukemia is a rare disease with distinct clinical features following an aggressive clinical course. Within the post-thymic T-cell dysfunctions that develop as a result of leukemia, T-PLL is seen in about a third of documented cases. [read more]

  4. Leukocyte adhesion deficiency syndrome
    Leukocyte-adhesion deficiency syndrome is an autosomal recessive disorder that causes recurrent infections in the different parts of the body. It has two distinct genotypes known as type I and type II. Type II is known to create fewer infections but greater delay in developmental. [read more]

  5. Leukodystrophy
    Leukodystrophy is a collection of disorders that cause a progressive death of the brain's white matter. [read more]

  6. leukodystrophy, Globoid cell
    Globoid cell leukodystrophy, or Krabbe disease, is a rare, fatal degenerative disease that destroys the myelin content of the nervous system. [read more]

  7. leukodystrophy, metachromatic
    Metachromatic leukodystrophy is a kind of leukodystrophy that destructs the development of myelin, the fatty white matter that protects the nerve fibers in the the central and peripheral nervous system. [read more]

  8. Leukomalacia
    Leukomalacia is a disease that causes the death of white matter in the cerebral ventricles of the brain. It can cause severe damages to fetuses and newborn babies. Premature infants face the highest risks of the said disorder. [read more]

  9. Leukoplakia
    Leukoplakia is a disease characterized by white patches on the mucous membranes in the different areas of the oral cavity. [read more]

  10. Levator syndrome
    The Levator syndrome is a series of episodic rectal discomfort. [read more]

  11. Lewy Body Dementia
    Lewy body dementia is characterized as a gradually progressive disorder that primarily affects the brain. This comes with the loss of reason, memory as well as the ability to think. In most cases, Lewy body dementia shares the many characteristics of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. [read more]

  12. Lewy Body Disease
    Lewy body dementia shares characteristics with both Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease. It can also cause distinctive physical signs typical of Parkinson's rigid muscles, slowed movement and tremors. Lewy body dementia may also cause hallucinations. [read more]

  13. LGCR
    LGCR, or the Langier-Giedion Chromosome Region, is a rare genetic defect caused by a deletion in a certain chromosome material. This problem occurs when a part of the chromosome 8's long arm has missing genes, causing poor growth and development. [read more]

  14. Li-Fraumeni syndrome
    The Li-Fraumeni syndrome is an autosomal dominant disorder. It develops a tumor that hinders normal cell growth. It can also take form in several types of cancers and attack persons at a very young age. [read more]

  15. Lice
    Lice are tiny, wingless, parasitic insects that feed on the blood. Lice are easily spread ? particularly by schoolchildren ? through close personal contact and by sharing belongings. Head lice are those that develop on the scalp. They're easiest to see at the nape of the neck and over the ears. [read more]

  16. Lichen Nitidus
    Lichen nitidus is a very uncommon, noncancerous skin condition. It is made up of tiny, skin-colored bumps (papules) that often appear in clusters on the surface of the skin, especially on the arms and legs. The cause of lichen nitidus is not known. [read more]

  17. Lichen planus
    Lichen planus is an inflammatory illness affecting the skin and oral mucosa. [read more]

  18. Lichen Planus, Oral
    Oral lichen planus is an inflammatory condition involving the lining of the mouth. It occurs most frequently on the inside of the cheeks, but can affect the gums, tongue, lips and other parts of the mouth. Sometimes, oral lichen planus involves the throat or the esophagus. [read more]

  19. Lichen Sclerosis
    Lichen sclerosis is a skin disorder that can affect men, women, or children, but is most common in women. It typically occurs on the vulva (the outer genitalia or sex organ) in women, but sometimes develops on the head of the penis in men. Occasionally, lichen sclerosus ican be seen on other parts of the body, especially the upper body, breasts, and upper arms. [read more]

  20. Lichen Simplex Chronicus
    Lichen simplex chronicus, or neurodermatitis, is a stubborn skin condition that can cause the affected skin to become thick and leathery. [read more]

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