Free Online Database Of Diseases, Illnesses & Ailments


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Diseases, Illnesses & Ailments Starting from Letter R

  1. Ricin Poisoning
    Ricin poisoning is a toxic effect experience by a person due to inhalation or intake of ricin, a protein toxin found in castor beans. It can be potentially painful when taken in large doses. [read more]

  2. Rickets
    Rickets is a disease characterized by the softening of the bones in children, which can potentially lead to fractures and deformity. Although rickets can affect adults, most documented cases are those of malnourished or undernourished children living in developing countries. [read more]

  3. Rickettsial Disease
    Rickettsial diseases refer to a group of disorders caused by Rickettsiae, a type of microorganism that can be a cross between virus and bacteria. Rickettsiae can only survive inside cells and cause disease by damaging the blood vessels in various organs and tissues. In severe cases, multiple organs and/or tissues may be affected. Rickettsial diseases vary in extent and severity, ranging from mild conditions to potentially fatal infections. Because they can be life-threatening, afflicted patients must seek emergency treatment or urgent medical care if Rickettsial diseases are suspected. [read more]

  4. Rickettsialpox
    Rickettsialpox is a disease commonly presented by fever, lethargy, headache, skin rashes, and damage to the blood vessels. The disease is caused parasitic arthropods that thrive in the body causing ruptures in the lymph nodes. Rickettsialpox can be detected by serological tests and can be treated by tetracycline. [read more]

  5. Rickettsiosis
    Rickettsiosis is a bacterial infection caused by microorganisms belonging to the order Rickettsiales. Types of Rickettsiosis vary in terms of degree and severity. The most common examples are Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Rickettsialpox, and typhus, among others. Rickettsiae, the organisms that cause Rickettsiosis, can only survive and multiply intracellularly. They were first discovered in 1909 by Howard Ricketts, an American Researcher. [read more]

  6. Rift Valley Fever
    Rift Valley Fever (RVF) is a type of viral zoonosis; meaning, it primarily affects domestic livestock, but can be transmitted to humans. It is most commonly spread among humans through bites of infected mosquitoes or direct contact with infected animals. [read more]

  7. Right Heart Failure
    Right heart failure is an alternate name for this condition is congestive heart failure - right-sided. It is defined by the failure of the right side of the heart ventricle loses its ability to pump blood efficiently. This disorder is caused when the right ventricle does not function properly and the blood backs up into other areas of the body causing congestion. [read more]

  8. Riley-Day Syndrome
    Riley-Day syndrome, more commonly known as familiar dysautonomia (FD), is characterized by a disorder of the autonomic nervous system. Riley-Day syndrome commonly affects the survival and development of sympathetic, (some) parasympathetic, and sensory neurons of the autonomic and sensory nervous system. [read more]

  9. Ringworm
    Ringworm, also called Tinea, pertains to a skin infection characterized by a reddish or brownish bumpy patch of skin that's usually lighter at the center, thus resembling a ring-like appearance. Ringworms can exist in any part of the body. [read more]

  10. Ringworm Of The Body
    Ringworm of the body is a fungal infection affecting the top layer of the skin. It is also referred to as tinea corporis. [read more]

  11. Ringworm Of The Scalp
    Ringworm of the scalp is a fungal infection affecting the scalp, skin, and nails. It is also known as tinea capitis. [read more]

  12. River Blindness
    The medical term for this condition is Onchocerciasis which is the world's second most leading infectious cause of blindness. Basically it is a skin and eye infection which is caused by the helmith (worm) Onchocerca volvulus. The black fly that carries the worm is only seen in parts of Africa, South America and Middle East. [read more]

  13. Robinow Syndrome
    Robinow syndrome is a very rare genetic disorder defined by vertebral segmentation, short-limbed-dwarfism, as well as distinct abnormalities in the face, head, and external genitalia. Robinow syndrome has two known forms, dominant and recessive. The dominant form is most common and present with moderate manifestations of known symptoms. Recessive Robinow, on the other hand, presents with more distinct skeletal abnormalities. Robinow syndrome is also alternatively called Robinow dwarfism, Robinow-Silverman-Smith syndrome, fetal face syndrome, fetal facies syndrome, mesomelic dwarfism-small genitalia syndrome, or acral dysostosis with facial and genital abnormalities. [read more]

  14. Rocky Mountain Spotted fever
    Rocky Mountain spotted fever is the most severe form of rickettsial illness. It is most frequently reported in the USA, but has also been known to occur in Central and South America. [read more]

  15. Rod Myopathy
    Also known as nemaline myopathy and nemaline rod myopathy, rod myopathy pertains to a congenital, hereditary neuromuscular disease characterized by progressive and non-progressive muscle weakness of varying severity. Rod myopathy is clinically classified into several groups, ranging from mild (typical), intermediate, severe, to adult-onset. However, this categorization is somewhat ambiguous, with categories commonly overlapping. [read more]

  16. Rodent Ulcer
    Rodent ulcer is a type of cancer of the skin accounting for about 75% of all skin cancers. This is a slow-growing skin tumor in the basal skin cells. The cancer cells that cause ulcers gradually enlarge gnawing at the normal cells, thus the name rodent ulcer. [read more]

  17. Romano-Ward Syndrome
    Romano-Ward syndrome is a major variant of a heart condition known as long QT syndrome, a condition that causes the cardiac muscle to take abnormally longer to recharge between beats. Romano-Ward syndrome is characterized by a disruption of the heart's normal rhythm. [read more]

  18. Rosacea
    This condition is very common but oftentimes misunderstood which commonly affects women. The condition starts as erythema (redness or flushing) on the center of the face and across the cheeks, nose or forehead. This condition is sometimes confused and co-exist with acne vulgaris and/or seborrheic dermatitis. [read more]

  19. Rosai-Dorfman Disease
    Rosai-Dorfman disease pertains to a rare, benign condition characterized by an excess in the production of histiocytes, which build up in the lymph nodes throughout the body. The elevated histiocytes typically accumulate in the lymphadenopathy of the neck. In addition, histiocytes may also build up outside the lymph nodes, particularly in the skin, bone, and upper respiratory tract. Rosai-Dorfman disease presents with a variety of symptoms depending on the site or area of histiocyte accumulation. [read more]

  20. Roseola Infantum
    Roseola infantum is a benign disease affecting children, commonly under two years old, characterized by a temporary rash that occurs following a fever that lasts for three days. Roseola infantum is more commonly known as exanthem subitum, which literally means ?sudden rash?. Other names for the disease are sixth disease (because it is the sixth condition to cause rashes in children), baby measles (a more confusing name), and three day fever. The origin of roseola infantum was unknown for a long time. Recently, however, research findings have revealed that the disease is caused by two human herpesviruses, namely HHV-7 (Roseolovirus) and HHV-6 (Human Herpesvirus Six). [read more]

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